Chapter 22

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The sky was dark, Grim.
The world was silent, and the colors contrasted to grey, the sun didn't shine...the clouds just loomed endlessly, and life ceased to exist.

Jungkook sighed, standing up slowly as he finished staring at the sky, the world felt off, in more ways than one.
"Jin hyung?" The younger spoke "Hyung! Are you here!?" The younger yelled once more "Jin wouldn't just...leave" he spoke, slowly walking around his home, calling out to Jin from time to time.

But nothing, nothing at reply, no sounds...just the sound of emptiness.
That's when Jungkook felt a tap causing him to jump.
When he looked up the color drained from his face, and his body felt cold.
It was his mother, dripping wet, her eyes white and lifeless, her skin was pale and looked to be as cold as ice, and her clothing was the exact same as it was when she died.

Jungkook fell, strait to the ground, he was frozen, watching as his zombie like nothing walked closer to him "why did you let me die Jungkook?" She spoke, beginning to ask that over and over again.
Jungkook couldn't move, he could only sit and watch as his mother endlessly blamed him for her death, if not that then asking him why he let her die, why he killed her.

Jungkook began to sob, his body shaking madly.
She soon ran at him grabbing his wrist, staring at the bracelet Taehyung had given to him.
Jungkook soon snatched his wrist away, pressing the button over and over again, but before he could do anything else she grabbed him again, ripping off the bracelet, and then tearing it apart.

He watched as the pieces of his most prized possession fell to the ground, his tears falling along with it "No..." The younger spoke again, soon picking up the pieces, staring at his mother with eyes of hurt and pain "What happened to you! You were the kindest person ever...and now...your this" Jungkook spoke "I'm sorry" Jungkook spoke "I'm sorry that you died, I'm sorry you died for me...I'm sorry I hurt Jin, I'm just sorry" Jungkook spoke "I'm sorry that I'm not able to let you go, I'm sorry I can't forgive myself"

"I'm sorry this is what you are now" Jungkook spoke before he went up to his mother hugging her

"I'm sorry I wasn't a good son"

The younger gasped when he got up, his eyes burned from his tears, and his entire body was shaking.
He soon changed into some clothes, putting on a black leather jacket over it
He gulped a bit before going out of his window.

With a short sigh he began to walk.
The wind was crisp, sending shivers down his spine. All the younger thought about was his dream, how his mother looked.

Tears rolled down his face as he thought of what she said, the guilt he had been building up finally breaking the wall he had.
His body was still shaking. He gulped as he stood in front of the park.

He shook his head, soon walking to the lake, the water rushing faster and stronger than before because of time and rain.
Warning signs decorated the rivers path, they were out there after Jungkook and Jins mother passed.

He stared at the water, the memory of Wan pushing him, the site of his mother drowning. It all hit him. He soon shook his head, wiping more tears off his face "I'm sorry mom...I'm so sorry" Jungkook spoke "I wish I could change what happened, I wish you were here, but I can't do anything" The younger spoke

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