Chapter 30

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All Alone


These chapters are gonna be semi short.
They're speaking on the life changes or everyone, just so you know!

Jin wasn't the same
He was losing himself.
It was like the only thing he had and knew was darkness, his only friend being them emptiness....because right now that's all he felt.
He lost his brother, his baby brother, the boy he vowed to protect with everything he had including his life was gone.

He felt like a failure, a disappointment.
The youngers bedroom laid empty, untouched.
He spent most of his nights crying, barley sleeping.
He wasn't eating much either, and as the days went on, the more sick he looked.

He didn't see Namjoon anymore, in fact he didn't see anyone anymore. He spent all his time alone, in his dark home.
He felt like existing was just a broke piece of a mirror, alone, not apart of anything.
He felt out of place, his guilt was overbearing.

He hated himself for lying to the younger, he hated what he said and how he left. He hated his wolf form most of all, he hated that it was the reason Jungkook was gone. He blamed his father, for passing the wolf gene to him and Jungkook, he hated Taehyung for not being careful, but he hated himself most of all, because he's the reason Jungkook is really gone.

He's the reason....That he lost Jungkook...

He's the reason he couldn't keep the promise to his mother...

He's the reason.



😡 Me telling Jin it ain't his fault 😥

What do you think Taehyungs like?

I have a pretty good storyline set for him 😊

How are you?
Mentally okay?
Eating well?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?

How are you?Mentally okay?Eating well?Sleeping well?Drinking well?

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I'll leave you to see this.

-Morgan murrr

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