Chapter 25

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Jungkook yawned loudly as he leaned up, the morning sun shinning down on him, his brown eyes turning almost a brownish gold.
He soon stood up walking into the living room "Hey hyung!" The younger spoke with a smile, he soon pouted, not hearing a response back.

He walked around his home, wondering where Jin was.
It wasn't until he saw a note on his kitchen table, that he knew where Jin was. He soon groaned "yay look whose home alone for three hours!" The younger spoke "I could invite Taehyung over" The younger smirked before sighing "I don't want Jin to kill Taehyung though..." The younger pouted "Nah I don't care" the younger smiled evilly, pressing his bracelet a couple times.

He soon got a couple of beeps back, the game of button press began, Jungkook chuckled as he messed with the elder.

"Jungkook-ah what do you want?" The elder asked, hearing a loud thud, with a yelp "Jungkook?" Taehyung asked "YAH WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THIS COULD MAKE CALLS!" Jungkook yelled "IT WASNT IMPORTANT!" Taehyung yelled back "Aish- whatever hyung" Jungkook spoke "Jin is at Namjoons...They're doing meetings with clients" Jungkook began "So I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch some movies with me" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smiled, chuckling lightly "Sure, I'm on my way" The elder spoke

"YES!" The younger squeaked "Jungkook, I'm still on the call" Taehyung spoke "GET YO BUT OVER HERE AND QUIT LISTENING TO ME BEING HAPPY!"

The rest of that day was spent with movies, cuddles, and more movies.

"It's not my fault that you don't like hairless cats!" Jungkook spoke "Its not that I don't like them, they just look naked!" Taehyung argued "I am not arguing with you again over this" Jungkook laughed "You were the one who brought it up so..." Taehyung spoke "aish jusy watch the movie!"

The two talked and ate for hours, enjoying each-others company, each other's space.
The world was nothing, it was just them.
Taehyung soon looked at the younger, smiling brightly, the youngers black eye only barley showing now.
He soon grabbed the youngers face softly "Tae?" The younger asked, watching as Taehyung got closer and closer, their lips soon touching.
Jungkook soon smiled, pulling away from the kiss blushing softly, snuggling into Taehyungs chest.
The day grew late, and the two were still watching movies, they both had a huge blanket over them, getting more and more drowsy as the minutes went on.
It wasn't Long before the two ended up falling asleep cuddling, the afternoon sky growing darker.

Soon The sound of the front door lock clicking and opening entered the silence.
Once the door opened, Jin walked in. His face tired.

"Jungkook?" The elder asked soon setting his stuff down, entering the living room.
His face soon softened, the site of Jungkook and Taehyung snuggling together making his Herat melt, a chuckle escaping "I'll let you two lovebirds be then" he spoke, fixing the blanket on then, turning off the lights and Tv.

And with a smile he left the room to his own.
Diving into his own slumber.

A bit of a softer chapter eh?
And no plot twists!

Just wait until you all see what i have planned for the future!

I purple you all so much!

How are you!?
Have you eaten enough?
Slept enough?
Drank enough?
Mentally okay?

How are you!?Have you eaten enough?Slept enough?Drank enough?Mentally okay?

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I've heard you like my animal picture so enjoy this meerkat

What is the meerkat thinking?

Tell me here 😂

-Morgan murrr

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