Chapter 34

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Taehyung Alone

Taehyung only grew worse as the day Jungkook left became a month.
He hadn't seen the younger in that long, he had no idea where the younger was, what he looked like....Hell he didn't even know if he was alive.
That's utter feeling of loss and mystery ate him alive.

So much so that he chose street fighting, and much like before he was cold. But this time he was colder and Angrier, Jin being gone, and how he felt Jin was acting only added gasoline to his anger.
The male found fighting fun, and didn't care who he beat and how hard he did so.

He had fought atleast four people in just a night, his face only saying he was just getting started
He had a devilish smirk on his face, as he beat down one of his last guys.

That's when the sound of a voice, an angering, blood burning voice.
"Look what we have here, got any room for more?" He spoke "Wan" Taehyung spoke, his rage growing like rapid fire.
"I've got plenty of room for you" Taehyung spoke before he attacked the elder, punching him hard "Looks like you got a harder punch on you now" the elder spoke soon attacking Taehyung punching him hard.

Wan soon got on top of Taehyung punching him hard before standing up and kicking him "Awww Jungkookies gone and not able to see you...How sad" the elder spoke "Pitiful how love makes you act this way" Wan spoke again, coldly "Don't talk about him" The elder coughed out "Oh I'll do what I want" Wan replies kicking the elder again "I seriously hope that kids dead"

"It would Do me a favor" the male spoke before he began to rapidly kick the elder "Guess your attitude is why your mother left, and why your father can't stand you, both couldn't handle their mistake of a child" Taehyung spoke watching as Wan raged, that's when he began to go off, kicking punching, beating the elder, to the point he coughed blood.

Taehyung groaned as he was kicked again, he began to cough more blood, the pain he was feeling was intense

"Not so tough now are you-" Wan spoke before he was punched hard, he went flying back.
When the two looked up they both went wide eyed

"Seems like you enjoy ruining people eh? let's change that" A voice spoke confidently

"Jungkook..." Taehyung spoke shocked "Jeon Jungkook" Wan spoke with a smirk "Didn't think you had it in you" Wan spoke "Didn't lay attention enough then" the younger replied running to the male and grabbing his collar "Now, this is a very particular situation, isn't it" Jungkook spoke "Because a few months ago this was me, my oh my...have the tables truly turned" the younger spoke before slamming the male on the ground, kicking him hard "I've been waiting too damn long to do that, next time you lay a hand on anyone I love, I'll kill you" Jungkook spoke before turning around.

He was about to go to Taehyung before Wan got up, and tried to attack the younger, his attack was grabbed "You really don't learn, do you Wan" Jungkook spoke before head butting the male, knocking him out

"Good riddance"

The younger soon sighed walking over to the elder, bending down "You okay Tae?" The younger asked "Jungkook...?" The elder asked "Am I dead?" The elder asked as he laid on the ground, hearing a laugh from the younger "I'd certainly hope not, but it's nice to know I'd be the last thing you'd see" the younger joked "I- I mean...your actually here" Taehyung spoke "I'm actually here" The younger replied, soon being engulfed in a tight hug "thank god your okay..." Taehyung spoke "Same for you, I'm just glad I got here in time" The younger spoke hugging the elder back "Oh god- I'm so sorry" Taehyung spoke "Why?" The younger asked "For everything...For being...A werewolf" The elder spoke, crying

"No, don't  apologize, I should be the one doing that" Jungkook spoke, breaking the hug, wiping the elders tears "I left, and I left in the worst way possible, I left in a way that was selfish" Jungkook spoke looking Taehyung strait in the eyes "I was being selfish" The younger spoke "But I'm different now" Jungkook spoke, soon standing up and helping the elder up, grabbing his phone out of his pocket

"Yeah.....I got him" Jungkook spoke smirking, he stood there for a time before a a car came to him "And that's our ride" Jungkook spoke helping the elder to the car

Once they got inside the younger smiled "I told you not to kill anybody" The male in the front seat spoke "I didn't kill the asshole....EVEN THOUGH I COULD HAVE!" Jungkook spoke "Is your friend there...Uh...Okay?" The male asked "I'll be fine...Uh..."

"Yoongi, call me Min Yoongi"

"Where to next Jungkook?"

"My brother, I need to se my brother"

Hooooooollllyyyyyy CRAP

My three year anniversary on Wattpad is tomorrow!
I'm so exited!
Three years with my purples!

What did you think of this chapter?!
How about Jungkooks epic return?
How do you think Jin will react?

How are you?
Mentally okay?
Eating and drinking well?
Sleeping well?

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