Chapter 39

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Jungkooks Pain

It had been a few weeks since Taehyung and Jin talked to Yoongi about his mental health.
Since then the younger has been going to see Yoongi, not knowing why, he was just going.
But the younger started to get curious, he was asked confusing questions, making him wonder more and more why he was seeing the elder like this


"Y-You think I have PTSD?"

"Jungkook...I know it's...hard to grasp...but there's things that can help"

"No Yoongi...I don't need...nor do I want help" The younger spoke "I know, your stubborn, but the Hyungs are all worried about you" Yoongi spoke and Jungkook sighed "Now...They didn't want me telling you" Yoongi spoke "But I think..In order for you to heal...You need to...Let go of your...past...I don't mean forget, I mean let what happened to you make you stronger, and maybe some can forgive" Yoongi spoke and Jungkook glared at the elder "Forgive Wan? Forgive my father? Hell no" Jungkook spoke "Don't forget yourself" Yoongi Spoke up and Jungkook turned his head "What?" The younger asked "For leaving" Yoongi replied and Jungkook looked down "See, you haven't forgave yourself for that" Yoongi spoke "Everyone elder forgives you Kook, it's you that has to set it In motion" Yoongi spoke and Jungkook shook his head "No..." The younger spoke "I can't..."

"You can" Yoongi spoke and Jungkook shook his head, memories of him leaving flashing back to him "No- No" Jungkook spoke"Jungkook..." Yoongi spoke "No- No" The younger spoke, shaking, his mind bringing up the abuse his father gave him, all the beatings, all the awful words...his moms death, the sound of her head hitting the rocks, the sound of Jin yelling and sobbing "N-NO!" The younger yelled.

The memory of Wan attacking him, his father coming back, it all came to him, as if he pushed off thinking about it, all of it. He just pretended it never happened, hold his brain to forget it, even when it hurt to.

"Jungkook- Calm down-" Yoongi spoke "No- I- No-" the younger yelled, standing up before running to the door "Jungkook!" Yoongi yelled "STOP!" The elder spoke loudly, firmly.
The younger just stood holding the door handle, he before falling to his knees slowly "Why did my life have to be like this...why did the universe put me seems like I can't breathe without being tortured" Jungkook sobbed "I can't take it anymore Yoongi, I can't do it anymore" Jungkook sobbed "I want to give up- I do...But everyone counting on me...and if I fall so does everyone else..." Jungkook sobbed "Jungkook..." Yoongi spoke walking over to the younger, hugging him tightly "you need to forgive yourself...Your such a good person, with such a big Heart....You give so much love, and the world hasn't given much to you...." Yoongi spoke "But instead of thinking what you couldn't have...think about what you do have, like Taehyung...a kind, loving, caring boyfriend, you would go to hell and back with and for you" Yoongi spoke, while breaking the hug and staring at the younger "You've got Jin, who loves you so much, he stays by your side no matter what, I can see so much care and love in his eyes when he's around you, his favorite thing Kook....has always been making you laugh, because he thinks your bunny smile is like your mother's, and when he sees it, he sees her, and that brings him comfort, you bring him comfort"

"I found you when I was alone, lost to the world, I had nobody, and after your father got rid of me I thought I'd never be okay, but you Jeon Jungkook, gave me a friend...gave me a son" Yoongi spoke "You and Jin are like the children I never had, and seeing you in pain, is heartbreaking, because seeing someone so strong, and so kind, is almost like watching the world go into chaos"

"So don't be angry at what you couldn't do, and be glad at what you can do now, and what you can do now, is forgive yourself, forgive what you said, don't forget, and don't let go of the reason you left, because anyone would have done that....just breathe, and look me in the eyes, and tell forgive yourself" Yoongi spoke "I don't care if it's now- next year, in a few just need to know that-"

"I forgive myself....I-I f-forgive myself...I forgive Jin...Taehyung...." Jungkook spoke taking a deep breath

"I forgive myself"



Big sad

Big happy

Big awe

What did you think? Jungkooks finally starting to forgive people again, he's being himself again!

How are you?
Eating well?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?
Mentally okay?

How are you?Eating well?Sleeping well?Drinking well?Mentally okay?

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He's tired.

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