Chapter 5

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"They say that when you meet your soulmate the world goes from grey to colorful in just seconds..."

"THEY DID WHAT!" Jin yelled "I-They punched me-"

"WHERE ARE THEY! IM GONNA FIGHT THEM" Jin yelled "calm down hyung!" Jungkook spoke "what happened?" Jin asked with a pout

"It was some group, they were fighting like they would in a arena, where people wrestle...but these guys were just beating each-other up" Jungkook began "One saw me and grabbed me...throwing me into the fight" Jungkook spoke "That's when I guy called...Wan punched me" Jungkook spoke watching as Jins face dropped "Wan?" Jin asked "Who was he fighting Jungkook?" Jin asked seriously "Kim Taehyung" Jungkook spoke and Jin went silent, his eyes becoming dark and serious "We're going home" Jin spoke "What why- did you know them?" Jungkook asked

"No...Never heard of them" Jin spoke "I just don't want them coming back" Jin spoke "but Taehyung protected me, a couple of times...he didn't let me fall when I could have, he didn't let me get killed or seriously hurt, heck he even got me away from there...." Jungkook spoke "Why would he- I don't know Jungkook...don't be so trusting of strangers" Jin spoke with a sigh shaking his head "What? What are you not telling me?" Jungkook asked "I'm not hiding anything Jungkook, I'm just upset that you got hurt while I was gone" Jin sighed "I'm trying to take care of you here! And your just getting hurt!" Jin spoke while ruffling the youngers hair "Aish hyung!" Jungkook spoke with a giggle.

The two began to walk to Jins car, talking about random topics...when Jungkook saw him, Taehyung.

He stared at the male not paying attention to Jin at all.
"Yah! Jungkook!" Jin spoke snapping his fingers at the youngers face, his eyes looking at the younger then what he was looking at.
His eyes became angry, and his hands began to shake "C'mon Jungkook" Jin spoke pulling the younger to him "Jin hyung- It's him" Jungkook spoke "Taehyung..." Jungkook spoke, watching at the elder kept walking.

"Why are you so interested in him Jungkook?" Jin asked "I...I don't know...but I feel like it's fate...I mean I see him everywhere!" Jungkook smiled "I want to be his friend" Jungkook spoke, watching as Jin cringed and rolled his eyes

"Just...get into the car"


"Seriously Taehyung! Now Wan knows about him"

"It's not my fault you let your little brother roam the streets Jin, that's all you" Taehyung replied "You realize how much damage it will cause if he finds out...about-"

"I know..." Taehyung spoke "But Jungkook is far more different than anyone I've ever met, and he's seventeen" Taehyung spoke "He took a punch like it was nothing"

"He is normal, he has his moms side of everything...he just looks like our dad" Jin sighed "at least he's got a better attitude then that asshole" Taehyung spoke "tell me about it" Jin spoke "I'm supposed to hate you" Jin spoke "But I'm an amazing talker!" Taehyung spoke "Aish- I'm surprised you don't turn into your beast form and talk about how it's a very realistic Halloween costume " Jin chuckled "one day when people stop trying to kill the wolf man, I'll try" Taehyung giggled

"Oh shi- the time, I gotta go before Jungkook wakes up"

"Have fun~" Taehyung spoke

"I'll try..."


Y'all I'm so sorry for being gone.

I've been kicked and then ran over by a train called work.
Homework is killing me and I literally can't deal with it.
I've been so tired, staying up late to finish like ten assignments.

I've wanted to update so much, but haven't had the time.
Again I'm so sorry for lacking as an author.

How are you all?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?
Eating well?

How are you all?Sleeping well?Drinking well?Eating well?

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It's Woojin.
We drew him

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