Chapter 19

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"YOU TWO  WHAT!??!" A voice snapped in the silence "W-We kissed hyung-"
"WAAAAH NY BROTHER IS GROWING TO FASTTT" Jin yelled "Hyung-" Jungkook spoke before bursting out into laughter "Your insane" the younger spoke with a smile "How about you hyung, have you met anyone special?" Jungkook asked "No..." Jin spoke, watching Jungkook smirk "OOOOh! Who!?" The younger asked "Okay- I DONT KNOW HIM- NOR L-LIKE HIM- But his name is Namjoon" Jin spoke "Ooooh" Jungkook spoke with a giggle "Shut up!" Jin spoke with a pout

"Aww baby Jin hyung has a crush!" Jungkook mocked before running away, the younger smirked as he ran not looking at where he was going.
That's when he ran into a wall, falling to the floor
"Yah! Jungkook!" Jin spoke running  to the younger helping him up "hyung my nose is bleeding" Jungkook giggled "well doofus don't run into walls and maybe that won't happen!" Jin chuckled grabbing a tissue and handing it to the younger

"Lesson learned then! Pay attention and don't become friends with walls!" The younger giggled while wiping his nose "You know you've never changed, you always have helped me, even when mom was alive, you'd help me when I fell, and even though I don't remember much I'm sure you helped a lot more before too"

"I did actually...I helped you walk, take first bites of food, and now I'm watching you fall in love" Jin spoke "Yah" Jungkook pouted "wether you admit it or not, you were falling" Jin spoke "Wan changed you in a way I wished you never would, he made you lose yourself, and Taehyung came in and saved you, made you the way you used to be, full of life, laughs, smiles" Jin spoke "when you were young, your smile lit up rooms, so many people just loved you, even the most sad of people became happy when you smiled, it was just who you were, a fun and loving kid who never did anything wrong to anyone, and even with father, and how he acted you still stayed happy"

" you ever think dad will come back" Jungkook asked, watching as Jin gulped and sighed "I don't know"  Jin replied "It's something you shouldn't worry about though because with the way he left us, I don't think he'll be back" Jin spoke soon smiling "Anyways! I should make some food!"

"Okay hyung..." Jungkook spoke before going to his room, grabbing his old diary.

"My last entry in here was when my dad left...I was so young then...and still my words are so clear...

To my next entry, to the start of my newer life"

Dear diary.
It's been awhile, years in fact.
I haven't used you for many reasons, after mom died, I couldn't see anything she gave to me, no matter how old i would get seeing this book from her gave me shivers
Until now I haven't seen a reason to write down my thoughts, but I know that secrets loom.

I know Jin is keeping something from me, I know he know more on Wan, Taehyung, and many others.
It seems like everyone forgets I'm an adult too, I can see a lie for miles, it was one thing my father hated about me, because I knew when he was lying.
Even at my young age then.
I know Jin wants to protect me, but how much longer is his protection going to last? I feel like I'm fighting myself, each day I wonder, but I feel like if I go to deep into the secretes he has, I may get drowned.


How are you?

Mentally okay?

Drinking well?
Sleeping well?
Eating well?

I got a new phone so I didn't update for a few days, had to get used to a keyboard again.
I've been pretty busy too!
How was your Valentine's Day?

(Also if Korean names are spelled wrong, my phone isn't used to them yet, so it might take time for it to save!)

Are you all excited for black swans release next week? Its gonna be crazy- maybe break the internet!
I purple you so much!

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