Chapter 7

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"The worst pain you could feel, is the pain of someone keeping you shut out, because the pain of not being trusted


The sun slowly shined down as the morning came.
The sky was clear and full of clouds, a few looking to hold rain.
Jungkook sighed sitting at his table, thinking over his dream.

He hadn't had one of those dreams in years, he hadn't remembered those events in so long.
He was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear Jin coming,
His thoughts, his thinking, disappeared all when Jin came

"boo!" The elder yelled, watching as the younger jumped "Yah! Hyung!" The younger yelled, glaring at the elder, pouting "You feeling better?" Jin asked "Well other than my heart attack...Yeah I'm great!" Jungkook spoke "You still thinking about your dream?" The elder asked "Yeah...I just...remembered the events all over again" Jungkook spoke "I feel like...there's more I could have done" Jungkook sighed "No Jungkook, there's no more" Jin spoke "Come on be my happy brother!" Jin sighed and Jungkook smiled "I am happy hyung! I'm just confused why these...flashbacks started to come again...I haven't had the nightmares since I was young" The younger spoke "I'm..not sure either..." Jin spoke with a sigh

"Maybe I should take a walk....alone" Jungkook spoke "To clear my head" The younger spoke and Jin gulped
"I know you don't want me out after everything that happened, but I'm okay! I promise!" Jungkook spoke and Jin nodded

"Okay, please be safe...please"

"I will hyung! Don't worry!"

The younger sighed as he walked. His mind was foggy and filled with questions .
The main one being 'why now? Why all the sudden are these memories coming back?"

He was stuck at that question, he had so many ideas on how and why they were back, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
The younger was so deep in thought that he didn't look in front of him, accidentally running into someone "Oh- I'm so sorry!" The younger spoke with a bow "Jungkook?" The male asked, watching as the younger looked up at him "It's you...Taehyung" the younger spoke

"Are you okay? You seem...bothered?" Taehyung asked "I'm fine...just been having bad dreams" the younger replied "wanna talk about it?" Taehyung asked "why not,
At this point I have no reason to think you'd hate me or laugh at me..." The younger spoke.

Soon he began to talk about his dream, Taehyung listening to his every word the younger had to say. He felt bad for the younger, what he had been through was traumatic, and heartbreaking.
But he had to keep his cool, he Cold exterior had to stay strong.

The two soon went to a bench and Jungkook Leaned back sighing "I just don't understand why all the sudden I'm getting the memories of what happened...I haven't gotten one of those nightmares since it happened ....maybe being back here brought back the pain...I just can't...figure it out" The younger  sighed

"Well...maybe instead of dreading on about it...take it as an remembrance of the heroic person your mother was and hold onto that....take a look at the little things like...your eye, it's better" Taehyung spoke "Yeah after that fight you and that guy had I'm surprised your not super injured-" Jungkook began before stopping, his worlds puzzle pieces coming together.

His s eyes soon widened.
The picture finally clicked.

"Look at this. Fresh meat for Wan and that Kim guy"

"No, that was not your fault Jungkook, you listened that day, you did what you were supposed to...then Wan- those kids pushed you, nothing that happened that day was you"

"The guy I saw that day...was no stranger....The guy who punched me...the guy you fought

That guy was the man who got my mother killed"


Jungkookie is a detective.
How is everyone

Y'all good?

Are you

Eating well?

Sleeping well

Drinking well?

Mentally okay?

If not then smile, and be happy! A smile a day keeps the grey away!

If not then smile, and be happy! A smile a day keeps the grey away!

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-Morgan murrr
Author Nim
Murgen Nim
Purple Nim

Whatever you want 😂


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