Chapter 33

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SeokJin Alone

That day hurt Jin.
He knew now that he was truly alone, he had nobody else left.

His days were left with despair, the Loneliness he felt was strong, so strong.
His life was falling apart, and his promises were breaking.

It had been a month since Jungkook left.
Jin in that time was depressed. He was lost inside the darkness, finding no way out.
He laid at home doing nothing....nothing but laying on his couch, staring at the ceiling, holding his phone, hoping that maybe...just maybe Jungkook would call.
Even though he knew well that the younger most likely wouldn't.

He hated not knowing what happened to the younger, he hated losing Taehyung the way he did.
He hated the fact he couldn't keep his promise to his mom.
He hated himself, he hated who he was.

In those days he never dared touch the diary...It was almost an exploded bomb, all it held was memories of pain. He didn't write in it, hell he didn't write his emotions down anywhere, he just bottled them up during the day, and then at night he'd cry.
He was close to being fired now, which at this point he didn't care, he just wanted to be away.
He wanted to stay away from everyone.

His clothes went from bright to dark.
His face was pale and tear stained, and his eyes held so much pain, so much pain that it would break even the toughest of hearts.
He spent his mostly restless nights crying, wishing, hoping for a better life.
But all he'd see when he woke up in the morning was nothing, nothing but the emptiness of his house, nothing but the silence of what used to be a loud house.

All his pictures were down, his cooking skills being put to rest, the elder only ordering take out.
The house he desperately tried to keep clean was slightly messy, and sad. His electric bill barley had any money since he lived and breathed darkness.

He missed Jungkook, he missed Taehyung.
He could only imagine how the elder was now, he wondered if the elder had became more cold, if the elder had any sanity left.

He wondered where Jungkook was...He didn't know If the younger was alive, he didn't know if the younger was okay, he just didn't know, and that was the worst part.

The unknown.


How are you?

Are you good?

Thoughts on this chapter?
Next chapter is gonna be Taehyung alone.
What do you think happened to Jungkook?
I know what happened to him! Ha!

How are you doing today?
Mentally okay?
Eating well?
Drinking well?
Sleeping well?

How are you doing today?Mentally okay?Eating well?Drinking well?Sleeping well?

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Running out of animal pictures!

-Author Nim

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