Chapter 41

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The utter pitch black room was all Jungkook saw, and all he felt was immense fear, and pain, mostly in his head, but the rest of his body too.
He tried to get up but he was tried down, a small groan escaping his mouth.

That's when light flashed on, causing him to flinch.

He was grabbed harshly, and thrown into another room, yet another groan escaping the younger.
He looked around slowly, seeing a huge empty room.
He kept looking around when he saw Taehyung, laying there, still.
"T-Tae!" The younger yelled before he was kicked in the head "Be quiet!" A voice snapped, one of the men.
The younger gulped, holding back his tears "J-Jin...?" He mumbled, looking around, not seeing the elder anywhere.

The younger shivered madly as he laid on the cold floor, his heart racing, it only raced more when he saw Wan.
"Hello Jungkook, glad your awake" Wan spoke with a smirk, picking up the younger by his collar harshly "Your father should be here soon" Wan spoke "N-No..." the younger replied "Yes Jungkook, it's finally time" Wan spoke "Where's Jin" the younger asked staring at Wan with hopeful eyes "With your father" Wan spoke before he slammed the younger into the ground harshly, the sound of cracking bones entered everyone's ears.

"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung mumbled, his body weak and shaky, all he wanted to do was get to the younger, he wanted to rage.
His eyes were yellow, his heart was racing and his body felt hot.
But he couldn't move, he couldn't do anything, because if he did, he might get everyone killed.
All he could do was sit, sit and listen to the sound of the love of his life be broken, both mentally and physically.

That's when he saw Jungkooks eyes widened, a tall dark haired male stood before them.
"D-Dad" The younger spoke shakily "Hello Jungkook" he spoke, picking up his son angrily "Your coming with me" he spoke and Taehyungs eyes widened "NO! LET HIM GO!" The elder yelled, watching  as everyone turned to him "Grab him too, we'll show him speaking out isn't tolerated" He spoke before two men grabbed the elder.

They were all taken to another huge room.
It was light, the entire room being empty, the floor being cement, cold.
The two were dropped to the ground, their bodies hitting the floor with thuds.

Taehyung groaned loudly, staring at the younger "K-Kook..." The elder mumbled "Please be quiet, I don't want them to hurt you" Jungkook mumbled "Aww Jungkook, it's a bit late for that" Wan spoke grabbing the elder, he soon pulled out a knife  "N-no!" The younger sobbed, his hands shaking madly

Wan only smirked, looking at Jungkooks father, that's when the male nodded, Wan was about to stab the elder, but his head was hit hard, so hard that he fell.

That's when Taehyung and Jungkook saw Jin.
The elder soon smashed his own fathers head, slamming it over and over again before he ran to Jungkook and Taehyung, the guards staring in shock, and fear.
He released the two from their ropes, Jungkook glaring when he saw his father stand up.

"You've crossed the line now, I'm done playing the waiting game" he spoke angrily "It's time I ended this once and for all-" He began before the sound of a gun went off.

Mr Jeon fell, blood pouring from his skull, when everyone looked up, they saw Wan, holding a gun, a silver bullet gun

"It's my turn now" He smirked before he aimed the gun " don't have to do this...put the gun down..." Taehyung spoke "well isn't this a site three guys I could end, right here and now" he smirked "All I needed was your father to do all the dirty work, it was quite easy after that" he spoke "and man the stories he told me about you Jungkook, that man hated you, just like me" Wan spoke "You and your perfect family, your perfect mom, acting so Innocent and pure, god..." Wan spoke "You got so many hurt, got your mom killed and yet you stand here like some weak child? You realize your the reason these two are here"

"Shut up Wan" Taehyung spoke "Oh Taehyung, is protective...of a child" Wan spoke, Jungkook only glared "You act tuff now..." he spoke pointing the gun at the younger "But this right here holds silver bullets, it can end any of you here, with Just one shot" 


"No I don't feel like making a deal today, it's time to show you I'm not here to play games"

"Wan listen, I know you don't like Jungkook...I know you hate him...but killing him isn't going to fix anything" Jin spoke, watching as wan stared at him "Y-Your right..."

"Killing him won't do anything" he smirked before holding up the gun.....




"Jin! Jin please! Hyung! Don't leave me, please don't leave me" Jungkook sobbed as he held onto the elder, who was turning paler by the minute "J-J-Jungkook....I'm not gonna m-m-make it" the elder stuttered "no you will! Please!" Jungkook sobbed

" were the best brother I ever could ask for, so sweet and kind...but don't be afraid to let your walls down....don' afraid...I love you Kook" Jin spoke, his eyes slowly closing

"Jin no...come on your strong" Taehyung spoke "Not strong enough for a silver bullet to the heart....Taehyung....your the best friend I could ever ask for, you never gave up, you stayed so strong....take care of Jungkook for me..."  "hyung....I'm sorry I couldn't keep your promise...To protect we're here..." Taehyung spoke "You can keep it now...i-I know you w-will" Jin spoke "please take care of him..."
"O-Okay" Taehyung spoke, tears rolling down his face.

The two watched as Jin's eyes closed, and his movements went limp, his breathes becoming nothing.

He was.....gone...

"No! HYUNG!" Jungkook yelled "Oh my god..." Taehyung spoke.
The elders rage soon grew, he was seconds away from attacking Wan when he gasped, looking at Jungkook "Jungkook...?"

The elder asked, watching as the younger stood up, his eyes glowing a bright blue.
"Your gonna pay for what you've done" Jungkook spoke, his body turning into white fur

"It's time to end this once and for all"



I know I know.


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