Chapter 24

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Shock Wave

"W-What?" Jin asked shocked, his entire body going cold and his heart beginning to race "It was our father Jin..." Jungkook replied, his hands shaking madly "He was there...just staring at me...he had so much anger and disappointment in his eyes..." Jungkook spoke "It wasn't like was worse" Jungkook sighed "He didn't look at me like I was his son, he was looking at me like I was the devil, and I needed to be ended" Jungkook spoke "After he stared at me with like he did...." Jungkook spoke touching his eye "He punched me" Jungkook spoke "He tossed me to Wan like a rag doll...I knew Wan was ready to kill me, beat me again" Jungkook spoke

"But I didn't let him" The younger sighed "So I ran, I ran as fast and as far as I could" The younger spoke "My legs ended up giving out before Taehyung found me" Jungkook spoke "even with the bracelet, I still had to run or Wan May have just killed me" Jungkook spoke "So instead of laying there and taking it....I punched him, hard" Jungkook spoke, staring at his heavily bruised knuckles, watching as Jin and Taehyung smiled lightly "I can tell you both are half happy and shocked" Jungkook chuckled "It's only because you never hurt people..ever" Jin spoke "I only hurt what needs to, and in that moment Wan had to be stoped" Jungkook spoke "I'm not mad, hell I'm proud" Jin spoke sitting next to the younger

"My baby brother is growing up! He's a turf man baby now!" Jin spoke; hugging the younger "Thank Taehyung as well, he saved me again" Jungkook spoke "I heard he carried you" Jin spoke with a smirk and Jungkook blushed "Yah! If I could walk you two would be facing death penalty!" The younger yelled "Yah calm down and drink your milk...I need to talk to Taehyung, in private" Jin smiled "Wow have fun with your adult conversations!" Jungkook mocked

"Do you think this means war?" Jin asked "I don't know, but I sure as hell want to beat the hell out of Wan" Taehyung spoke "Wan isn't my worry now, he's a major one...but my father Taehyung, he could snap a finger and get Jungkook killed" Jin spoke "He's rich, arrogant, and a selfish bastard...he's self centered and will stop at nothing to end Jungkook" Jin spoke "What do we do?" Jin asked "your father is apart of the monster mine" Taehyung asked "Yeah?" Jin asked "Then we fight" Taehyung spoke "What about Jungkook? What if one of us gets hurt or even killed?" Jin asked "I don't know..." Taehyung sighed "We may wait it out, but if Wan hurts Jungkook again"

"He won't live to tell the tale" Taehyung spoke before waking back into his house.

Dear diary

The secrets continue to grow.
I feel like Jin and Taehyung are hiding something, I feel like somethings missing.
I want to know what is is...but do I ask?
Do I go to them?
I fear that if I do so, they'll only try harder to hide...I might as well sneak around....I have to know what they're hiding from me, because to me whatever it is is so important that I haven't been able to know for years...

I know I shouldn't be nosy, but at this point; the plot holes are piling.
From this day forward, I'll find out what they're hiding.

I'll also fight my battles, I won't cry to Taehyung anymore, I love him too much to let him get hurt or killed...and at this point death seems to be what my father wants.
Makes me wonder if  I should just let myself get taken...

I wonder what it would change.

I know it's been awhile!
I've been very busy lately!

I'm excited for these next few chapters because they're gonna be the big ones.
Just wait until you see some special chapters I have planned- heck even the ending.

How are you?
Have you smiled yet?
Are you eating or drinking?
Are you sleeping okay?
Are you mentally okay?

Had boba for the first time!
It was so good! But the boba itself threw me off texture and wise, it was so chewy!

Had boba for the first time!It was so good! But the boba itself threw me off texture and wise, it was so chewy!

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