Chapter 11

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They say soulmates are the color to your world.
That may be why when you lose that person

The world turns grey.

Jungkook sighed as uh walked next to Taehyung "You okay?" Taehyung asked "Yeah, it's just nice to get out, and get o get away from Jin" Jungkook giggled and Taehyung smiled "Whats your family life like?" Jungkook asked as he sat on a bench, the afternoon sky shinning abroad.

Taehyung only looked away, sighing.
Jungkook took the hint and smiled "Jin is quite a guy huh" Jungkook giggled "he's nuts" Taehyung replied "He's also very protective" the elder chuckled "oh don't I know" Jungkook spoke "He definitely told me off when you fell asleep on my shoulder" the elder giggled evilly watching as Jungkooks entire face turned red "yah! Why didn't you wake me up or push me away!" Jungkook spoke "You looked sooo comfyyyy" Taehyung replied "COMFY!?" Jungkook yelled "IM NOT LYING YOU LOOKED AT PEACE!" The elder replied "YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!" Jungkook replied "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU LIKED MY SHOULDER, I WASN'T ABOUT TO THROW YOU OUT OF THE WINDOW FOR SLEEPING" Taehyung yelled back, the two bursting out into laughter over the conversation they had

The two had been getting closer day by day, and even though it had been a week since the events with Jin. The two found themselves hanging around each other a lot.

And even though Taehyung had a cold, ice attitude to everyone else, to Jungkook he melted.
He was kind, and sweet, a whole new person.
Jungkook was happier, slowly falling back into the innocent, joking kid he was when he first arrived in Korea.

"So what was America like?" Taehyung asked "huge...dont get me wrong, Seoul is huge... but America had so many different things, and although I kept my Korean language, I spoke English, me and Jin never made it our mission to only speak Korean, we just learned the ways...

Let's not forget to mention the food, both cultures are different, they don't serve Kimchi left and right, they have fried food, like wings, and other items" Jungkook sighed "I don't say I miss it, Korea holds a lot of memories, including my best friend Jimin" Jungkook smiled "We've been friend since I was little, even after I moved we stayed in touch, and even now we do"

"That sounds amazing..." Taehyung spoke with a smile, soon looking to the younger who was staring at the sky, the elder couldn't help but stare at the youngers features, his long brown hair the slightly blew in the wind, his perfect golden brown eyes, his perfect face.

Taehyung soon looked away, shaking his head "Jungkook..." the elder spoke "yeah...?" The younger replied "I want to talk about my family..." The elder spoke and Jungkook smiled "are you sure?" The younger asked

My parents...they longer with me" Taehyung spoke with a gulp "I'm sorry..." Jungkook  spoke "it's dad was no Good man, he was a monster...he had anger issues that were so huge and terrifying that me and my mother would hide...he'd break stuff...including my moms heart" Taehyung spoke, balling his fists "My dad was killed, and my mother never recovered, slowly she began to get sick, and before anyone knew it she was gone"

"It's almost like she died of a broken's even sadder because no matter what my dad did or said, she still loved him no matter what" Taehyung spoke, that's when he felt arms wrap around him tightly.

It was the first hug he had gotten in years "Even If your family life isn't the best...I really think you turned out great" Jungkook spoke, feeling Taehyung hug back "Thank you Jungkook" Taehyung spoke

"Thank you"

Dear diary.

That Jungkook kid is incredible

He has such a specific personality.
One minute he's sad, while another he's fine, then another he's happy.

He made me feel true comfort for the first time in years.

I had to tell him my father was dead, he couldn't find out about him, ever.
He won't Change his ways, and I can't lose anyone else to him, or his nature.

But that Jungkook kid.
He's something
Something I want to protect.
Something I want to care for

Something I want to know.
A friendship I want to keep
And a soulmate I want to have for all my life times.


How are you?

Are you good?

Did you eat well

Sleep well

Drink well

Mentally okay?

If not then please smile!
We can't have a sad 😢 purple!

If not then please smile!We can't have a sad 😢 purple!

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Another one

Also please check out my YouTube channel over the fires in Australia!
They need help, and they need the word spread!

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