Chapter 13

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Jungkook gulped, backing away slowly "Awww looks who's scared" He spoke "What do you want from me Wan?" Jungkook spoke "Payback, you got in my fight, and your steeling Taehyung, making him soft" Wan spoke "He isn't yours, he can do what he wants" Jungkook replied "Oh Jungkook, if only you knew what he really was" Wan replied
"What he really is...?" Jungkook mumbled "Just leave me alone" Jungkook spoke, going to walk passed them but they grabbed him slamming him against a wall "Were not done yet" He spoke before punching the younger in the face and then his stomach "You need to know your place Jeon, acting like a helpless child won't save you from eveything, it won't save you from Taehyung, hell it didn't save your mother did it?" He asked with a smirk, watching as Jungkooks eyes filled with tears "awww look now your crying" He spoke, before punching the younger in the stomach again, this time as hard as he could.

The younger fell to his knees gasping for air. But before he could do anything Wan and his group began to kick him.
That's when it hit Jungkook, he had that bracelet.
He soon began to secretly push or the bracelet, mumbling "Taehyung...please help" Jungkook whispered "He isn't gonna help you Jeon, nobody's gonna help you"


Taehyung sighed as he walked down the street, he kicked rocks as he walked.
He let the wind brush through his hair, taking in the world he was in.
He soon jumped when his bracelet went off, vibrating like crazy.

He stared down at it, seeing red.

His eyes soon widened when he realized what it meant.

He soon clicked it, getting a map of his surroundings, a red dot showing where Jungkook was.

That's when he quickly began to run, his speed so fast that time almost slowed down.

"I'm coming Jungkook...I'm coming"

"Awww look who is coughing blood, poor little baby can't stand a beating" Wan spoke picking up the younger again and punching him again.

"Put Him Down" a dark, deep voice snapped "T-Taehyung" One of Wans men spoke.

Wan only smirked punching Jungkook one more time before dropping him to the ground harshly.

When Taehyung saw the youngers beaten state, the blood, the pain he was in....but most of all the tears.

That's when He snapped

His eyes went yellow, and his face became nothing but angry.
The rage he held was immense, and only growing.

"Your gonna pay for what you've done."


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