Chapter 28

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Jungkook smiled as he held his chocolates and roses.
He smiled brightly as he knocked on Taehyungs door, he waited for a time until the door opened "Jungkookie!" Taehyung spoke with a bright box smile, staring at the roses and chocolates that the younger brought "awwww" Taehyung spoke watching Jungkook turn red "aish just take it" The younger spoke, watching as the elder happily took the gifts "Thank you kookie" Taehyung smiled "come in, make yourself at home" the elder smiled, Jungkooks heart melting at how sweet the elder was being.

The younger sat down on Taehyungs couch, the memories of the last time he was here filling his head.
What Wan and his father the secrets Jin and Taehyung were keeping. He was so deep in thought he didn't even hear Taehyung calling for him "Jungkook!" Taehyung spoke again loudly this time "What- Sorry" Jungkook spoke "I said did you want to get diner" Taehyung spoke "Where were you just then kook?" Taehyung asked "I was just thinking about the last time I was here" Jungkook replied and Taehyung nodded sitting next to the younger smiling, soon poking his nose "Yah" Jungkook spoke

"Gatcha!" The elder spoke soon standing up and running away "OOOOH IM GONNA-" Jungkook yelled son chasing the elder, a huge smile on his face as he attacked the elder.

The elder soon fell over Jungkook landing on-top of him, the younger soon poking him "I definitely got you" The younger smirked, standing up putting out his hand "Let the best Cutie win?" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smirked grabbing the youngers hand "To the best cutie" Taehyung spoke "now let's get some food hmm?" Taehyung asked and the younger nodded happily.

The two soon ate, talking about random subjects that came about.
They hadn't seen each other in some time, so they had tons to talk about.
Jungkook still had that thought in the back of his mind about secrets. It was bugging him and Taehyung knew something was up, he knew something, just something was bothering the younger.
The elder kept trying to make the younger happy but every time he did the younger would forget for a minute then go back.
"Taehyung would you ever lie to me" Jungkook asked "no...there's nothing to lie about" The elder spoke and Jungkook nodded "why do you ask? Is that what's been bothering you this whole time?" Taehyung asked "I was wondering! And no I just am not normally out anymore, guess I'm always worried someone's gonna a try and ruin it" Jungkook spoke "Nobody would do that while I'm around! I'm strong boy Taehyung!" The elder joked and Jungkook giggled "Of course! My strong man!" The younger smiled "I'm your strong man huh?" The elder asked and Jungkook blushed "aish!" The younger spoke with a huge pout "I'm your strong man, and you Jungkook, are my baby" The elder smiled and Jungkook chuckled grabbing the elders hand and playing with it "whatever big hands" The younger spoke and Taehyung smirked "whatever small Hands" he replied getting an angry pout "awww am I too good at the reply game" Taehyung spoke "Wait- how did you get to my house" Taehyung asked "That was random....I...walked" The younger spoke "Jungkook-" Taehyung began "Listen! I payed attention the whole time and had my pepper spray and taser" The younger spoke "Wow nobody mess with Jeon Jungkook" Taehyung spoke "exactly! You better watch it!" The younger giggled

"Thanks for seeing me today Tae, I needed this" The younger spoke "Anytime!" The elder spoke "Ready to go?" Jungkook asked

"Anytime you are love"

"You did not-"

"Oh I did.....

I really did"


How are youuu!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! Was super busy'

How are you?
You well?
Did you eat well?
Sleep well?
Drink well?

Mentally okay?

Look it's a flamingo

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Look it's a flamingo...


Go go....


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