Chapter 12

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Jung Wan

"Life is a crazy story, beginning with new things, and never stoping to show you new things...and even at the end, you still learn"

Jungkook smiled when he got up from his bed, he had been laying there all day
his face soon glowed with happiness, as he looked at the time .

"Heeeey hyung" Jungkook spoke "Oh no what do you want" Jin asked "Hey! Who says I want something" Jungkook asked "Well it could be the fact your smiling like an idiot, or maybe the fact you came strait to me and said Hi" Jin replied and Jungkook pouted "Well fine then, I just won't say anything" Jungkook spoke and Jin sighed "Aish I didn't say that! So what did you want to say?"

"Can I go meet up with Taehyunggggg" The younger asked and Jin glared "YAH! YOU SAID YOU DIDNT NEED ANYTHING PLUS ITS LATE"

"Pleaseeeee hyung....pleaseeeee" Jungkook spoke with puppy dog eyes "Why do you do this" Jin spoke "Fine- But please be careful" Jin spoke and Jungkook smiled and nodded hugging the elder

"I'll be back later!"


"So Jungkook how is life treating you" Taehyung asked "It's been well, I've been doing a lot of drawing lately" Jungkook smiled "Really? Are you any good?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook smiled "I'm not sure, I don't think it's all that great..." The younger spoke

"Are you serious" Taehyung spoke

"I mean...Yeah!"


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"Why...Just why?" Taehyung asked holding back his laughter "because I can, and I because I want a hairless cat" Taehyung spoke "It's literally walking skin" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook soon broke into laughter.

Taehyung held back his laughter for as long as he could, but he to began to laugh like crazy with the younger.
The two laughed for quite some time before they calmed down "I really do like it" Taehyung spoke "Hey, it made you laugh, like really laugh" Jungkook spoke "That's all I needed" The younger smiled and Taehyung chuckled, his face tenting a red color "Oh! I forgot I made you this" Taehyung spoke, before polling out a bracelet, a wolf.

"'s so pretty" Jungkook spoke "I handcrafted it" Taehyung spoke "but then I have my own!" The elder spoke, putting Jungkooks bracket on the youngers wrist and then on his own.

"Tap it" the elder spoke, Jungkook nodded tapping the wolf, watching as Taehyungs glowed green
Then he watched as Taehyung touched his and it turned a bright purple "Wow" Jungkook spoke, his eyes having starts in them from fascination "that's really cool Tae" Jungkook smiled, hugging the elder "it can be something you do for fun, or if you need me...if your in danger it will turn red" Taehyung spoke

"thank you" Jungkook spoke "your welcome Jungkook...your welcome"

Jungkook sighed as he began to walk home, the night sky on him.
He kept staring at his bracelet, a smile on his face as he looked.

That's when he saw shadows in front of him, and when he looked up, his eyes widened.

"Well well well, if it isn't Jeon Jungkook"

"Wan" Jungkook spoke

"Boys it's time we teach this brat some manors for messing with my fight, and with Taehyung"




How are y'all?

You good?

Have you eaten well?

Sleep well?

Drank well?

Mentally okay?

Mentally okay?

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My art.

"And no-ones gonna help her?"

I purple you!

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