Chapter 27

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A Day For Two Brothers

"JIIIIN HYUNGGGGGG!" A voice yelled "Whaaat!? Jeon Jungkook I'm gonna slap the heck out of you" Jin replied "Your slow! I wanna hang out!" Jungkook spoke "Yah I'm coming just calm down" Jin spoke, desperately trying to hide his diary. He soon sighed, staring at the book

"Whatcha doing hyung!" A voice spoke causing Jin to jump "YAH HAVENT I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME IN HERE" Jin yelled "Sorry" Jungkook spoke with a pout soon walking out of the room, the last thing he saw was Jin hiding the book before he left.
The younger soon sat on the couch still pouting  "Jungkook?" Jin asked walking over to the younger "Hey I'm sorry" The elder spoke "it's okay hyung, you just haven't raised your voice like that before" the younger chucked "Yeah...I know..." Jin sighed "It's fine hyung! Let's go have fun!" Jungkook spoke

That day the two brothers ate tons of food, talked a lot, played games.
The two hadn't gotten many chances to hang out anymore, and it seemed like they became distant.
Jungkook couldn't help the endless feeling of lies, he knew Jin raised his voice for a reason, and he was hiding things for a reason.
The scene of that book played like a record okay and in Jungkooks head.

"YAH HYUNG! I WILL WIN AT THIS GAME OF TAG!" Jungkook yelled "HAH SURE YOU WILL" The elder replied as he was chased by the youngest.
The two laughed loudly not even caring about the glares and stares they got. The two were happy and acting like two kids, acting like the kids that they never got to be.

Even with what happened earlier that day, in the end Jungkook enjoyed Jin's presence, he missed the days with Jin, he missed the days where they could act like kids.

He missed the days of youth, and he missed the outdoors which he didn't get many chances to see anymore because of Wan and His father, which left a never ending anger in Jungkook.
Jungkook hadn't seen Jin smile like he has now, he missed the elders happiness, and to him, if Jin was happy So was he.
But he wouldn't forget that diary.

That he wouldn't forget.
He wouldn't forget it because Jin doesn't yell, he doesn't get angry, but today he did, and not only that but he got mad at Jungkook, something he swore he wouldn't do.
That book to Jungkook could be a hat he's looking for...

Yet happy!
I wanted it to be a Jin and Jungkook chapter of them being happy.

I'm not exactly proud of this chapter or- un-
More like waiting for the big chapters to drop.

How are you!?
Are you eating well?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?
Mentally okay?

How are you!?Are you eating well?Sleeping well?Drinking well?Mentally okay?

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Low key miss my long hair

Low key miss my long hair

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This is it now

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This is it now...not sure which look I like more 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

-Murgen Nim.

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