Chapter 29

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Secrets And Lies

Jungkook smiled brightly as he ate breakfast "hyung this food is so good!" Jungkook spoke with a smile "Why thank you" Jin smiled "I do try my best to make the best breakfast" Jin chuckled "have you ever thought about opening a restaurant?" Jungkook asked "well of course I have...I just haven't had the time...nor the money" Jin sighed "But it definitely has been a dream of mine" Jin spoke with a smile

" you ever lie?" Jungkook asked "Well that was random" Jin spoke, Jungkook sighing "Taehyung said the same thing" The younger mumbled "What?" Jin asked "I was just making fun of you, you didn't answer me" The younger smiled "well it was random" the elder spoke "I know...but do you?" Jungkook asked "I mean...not really? I don't lie unless I have to" Jin spoke "Do you lie to me?" Jungkook asked "Why would I lie to you?" Jin asked "I don't know that's why I'm asking you" Jungkook replied "Again Jungkook...I don't lie unless I have too" Jin spoke, watching Jungkooks expression drop "Why do you ask though?" Jin spoke "I just wondered! I wanted to know if my hyungs lie or not..." Jungkook spoke with a smile "Oh- before I forget, I have a meeting with some clients later, I may bring home food" Jin spoke with a smile "I'm leaving in ten minutes, I'll be gone for a few hours" Jin spoke "Oh okay hyung, have fun" Jungkook spoke with a smile.

The elder soon left, leaving Jungkook alone.
Jungkook soon stood up going to the window, watching Jin's car leave.
That's when the younger went into the elders room "I'm sorry Jin...but I have to know what you've hidden from me" Jungkook spoke before he began to search the elders room. His guilt was brewing, but his sadness that he has to do this to see what Jin May be hiding is even worse.

The younger soon groaned, he had been searching for what felt like hours and he found nothing.
He soon sighed angrily "Why Jin, why must you be lying...I can tell your hiding something" Jungkook spoke.
That's when he remembered he book. His eyes soon widened, and he began looking in the spot Jin hid it before, that's when he found it.
He soon pulled it out, opening it.

"It's his diary...." The younger spoke soon beginning to read it

"I see my life slowly coming in and out of a state of knowing and not...I don't know if anything I'm doing is working...Jungkooks a teenager, and his entire life has been nothing but pain...I wish he knew everything...everything about our past, and his life"

"What are you talking past?" The younger spoke going back into the book
"I need to start at the beginning"

"I got this book for my birthday! I'm so happy because I've always wanted a way to write about my life...I have a very wonderful father isn't...isnt as great...and I have an adorable baby brother...I'd protect him with everything I have, I may be young but I know what's right and what's wrong, and I know if it came down to it, I'd protect him"

"I know you would hyung, it's nice to know I have someone there...but a life without you is a life not worth living" The younger sighed "Even at your age'd still protect me"

"Mother died today...I can't find the words to express my pain...I can't seem to accept reality, I can't find the reasoning for this...Wan...that monster...Trying to kill Jungkook like it's okay...I'll never let him get away with it....But Jungkook....he's laying here lifeless, in pain...I met a doctor whose helping me out's nice to see someone nice again"

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