Chapter 37

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Boxy Smile

Jungkook sighed as he got up, he quickly ran to his shower, taking one. He then changed his clothes.
He groaned as he fixed his hair "Aish" The younger spoke "Why am I acting like this is a don't even know if he still loves me...The way I love him..." The younger sighed

He soon walked into the living room sitting on the couch, putting his hands on his temples "Hey kookie!" The elder spoke soon turning his head "you okay?" The elder asked "I have a- an outing...With Taehyung" Jungkook spoke "You mean date right?" Th elder spoke and Jungkook gulped "That's the thing...I don't want really know what it is..." Jungkook spoke "Umm- What?" Jin asked "I don't know if it's a date...because I don't know if he still loves me" Jungkook spoke, watching as his stared at him like he was crazy "W-What...?" Jungkook asked "You didn't just tell me Kim Taehyung might not love you anymore" Jin spoke "I-I mean I don't know...With how I left things...with how I left him...Im just saying I would understand" Jungkook spoke and Jin frowned going over to the younger "I can tell you with certainty he still loves you" Jin spoke

"Because when Taehyung gets someone, he holds onto them, he never lets go....I know he wouldn't let go of how he felt for you..."

"I hope your right hyung..."

Jungkook smiled as he walked to the elders house.
He stated at the sky, and the world around him, taking it in "I really missed this place...walking here was my favorite thing..." The younger spoke, hearing the cracks of a few sticks which made him jump.
He looked around confused, seeing nobody.
He shook his head sighing, soon walking again.

Once the younger arrived at Taehyungs place he knocked on the door, his mind remembering his last visit here.
He gulped, trying to push away the memory of that day, when a door opened "Hey kook!" The elder spoke with a bright box smile "H-Hey Tae" Jungkook spoke, shyly smiling back "Come In, I'm almost done getting ready" The elder spoke and Jungkook nodded, the two walked into the living room, Jungkook standing and looking around while Taehyung went into his room getting ready.

Jungkook sighed sadly, his mind filling yet again with the memories and images of the fight he had with Taehyung flashing back to his mind

"Please- No- this was my fear this is why I don't tell people! They always leave!"

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you loved me"

"Goodbye Taehyung"

"Please don't go...please don't leave me because of who I am"

"I'm not leaving because of what you are , I'm leaving because of what you did"

Jungkook shivered at the memory, remembering the hurt on Taehyungs face.
He turned his head seeing the two bracelets sitting on a table.
The younger slowly walked over to it, grabbing his.
With a gulp he stared at it, holding it. He remembered taking it off, not having his prized possession.

"Jungkook-ah I'm ready!" Taehyung spoke, Jungkook Quickly putting the bracelet down "You ready?" Taehyung asked as he walked up to the younger "Yep!" The younger spoke nervously "you okay?" The elder asked "Y-Yeah I'm fine" the younger replied "Okay" The elder replied with a smile "Let's go eat!" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded.

The two soon ate, Taehyung talking comfortably while Jungkook sat nervously, not knowing what to say or do.
He just kept thinking about the pain he caused.
When the two finished eating, they walked.
The day becoming night quickly.
Jungkook and Taehyung sat on a hill, the same one they sat on when they first kissed.

Jungkook could feel tears brimming his eyes but he gulped them back. Taehyung sat next to him still smiling "This view is amazing kook" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook nodded "Y-Yeah it is...." the younger spoke, his hand shaking slightly "Are you okay?" The elder asked "I'm fine Tae" Jungkook replied "Your not" the elder replied and Jungkook gulped again, leaning foreword "What's wrong kook...Talk to me" The elder spoke and Jungkook shivered again, his tears falling "Jungkook....." The elder spoke "I..." Jungkook spoke "I'm so sorry" Jungkook spoke "Im sorry for hurting you- For breaking your heart- for taking that bracelet off- for leaving you like I did....I'm sorry" The younger spoke, breaking down again "Kook...Don't cry" Taehyung spoke "Taehyung...Answer me honestly" Jungkook spoke "O-Okay?" The elder replied confused

"Do you still love me?" The younger asked, turning to the elder, tears streaming "Jungkook. Listen to me" Taehyung began "When I first laid eyes on you, on your beautiful...handsome little face" Taehyung spoke "I fell in love, When I let you get close, I only fell more in love" Taehyung spoke "And all the time we spent together was everything to me, and made me fall more and more in love with you each day....And when you left...I was heartbroken, I became the worst version of myself, a heartless, ruthless human being with sanity that even the scariest didn't have" Taehyung spoke "But I still loved you" Taehyung spoke wiping the youngers tears.

Jungkook only choked on his sobs "Aww...don't cry" Taehyung spoke, soon hugging the younger tightly "I love you Jungkook, nothing will ever change that" Taehyung spoke "i love you too Tae" Jungkook spoke.
The two broke the hug, soon having a kiss, a passionate one.
Jungkook smiled, it was the first genuine and happy smile in awhile "I hate seeing you cry" Taehyung spoke with a shy chuckle "It's good to see you smile" Taehyung spoke "I missed your smile"

"Can I stay over tonight?" Jungkook asked "of course you can" Taehyung spoke with a bright smile "Movie marathon?"

"Of course"


Awe how cute

Actually had a much different ending planned for this.
But oh well.
Thanks for reading!

How are you all?
Mentally okay?
Eating well?
Sleeping well
Drinking well?

How are you all?Mentally okay?Eating well?Sleeping wellDrinking well?

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He said he was a skater birb and she said

See ya later birb.

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