- Two . Talk -

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"We just wanted you to know, because we felt bad hiding it from you guys. We are figuring things out right now, neither of us expected this to happen, but now it happened, so..."

Silence. Nobody talked. I nearly spit out my drink and coughed. Lucy was the first one to speak again. "Oh my god, boys. That's great." She smiled at the two guys, who looked like they were sent to court. Ben looked like a sad puppy and Gwil avoided eye contact. As Lucy got up to hug them both, they were obviously relieved and the vibes at our table calmed down a bit. Rami was the next one to gratulate them and I was last, as soon as I could breathe again normally.

"I am really happy for you two.", I said and stood up to give them a little hug and a pat on their shoulders. I took a mouthful of my drink and quickly went to the bathroom. As the door closed behind me, I took a deep breath and went over to the sink, rubbed my hands over my face and took a look into the mirror.

I felt a little bit tipsy after the two drinks I had and as usual, my cheeks turned red. First, I really needed to go to the toilet and second, I kind of wanted to escape that situation out there. I don't know why it bothers me, probably because Ben didn't tell me about it earlier and neither did Gwil. I really thought Ben was my best friend, at least for me our friendship was kind of special. I already told him more in these few months than I told my other friends back home.

A little sigh came off my lips. I shook my head and straightened my shoulders, before I got back out that door again. I wanted to be happy for two of my best friends, they seemed to be happy, so should I. 

As I got back to the table, everybody laughed about something Lucy just said. "No, I did not!", Rami giggled and pouted a little bit. "You did, I swear it. You called me Mary once; you are taking the role a little bit too far." I smiled and sat down again; the previous topic seemed to be over. "Joe, I could need a little bit of help here." Rami seemed to be embarrassed and I could not help it but laughing along with the others.

A few hours later, all of us went outside the pub, after a few more drinks and so I really enjoyed the fresh air. We all have to go to the same hotel, except Gwil, whose house is not far away. We called an uber and Lucy, Rami, Ben and me got into the car, but not before Gwil kissed his now-boyfriend goodbye. 

After arriving at our hotel, Rami paid the driver and we all got into the lobby. The happy couple, both a little bit drunk, hurried hand in hand to the elevator. I wanted to go after them, but a hand on my shoulder held me back. I turned around with a clearly confused look on my face, but Ben watched his shoes. "Are you alright?"

"Can we talk, Joe?" Now Bens eyes met mine and I simply nodded, followed him outside. He pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighted one. I am not a big fan of smoking, but I didn't say anything, I just stood there next to him and waited.

He seemed quite nervous, ran his fingers of his cigarette-free hand through his hair again and again. "I am so sorry." - "About what? There is nothing you have to be sorry about, Ben." I looked at him and studied his expression. He still avoids any eye contact. "I should have told you earlier, but I was afraid."


New Chapter, folks :)

Hope you guys like it, I am trying to update every few days so there will be 3-4 chapters a week i guess

Let me know what you are thinking!

See ya

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