- Eleven . Fight -

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As usual, Rami and Lucy were late for work. 

"So, there's the carrot, the mushroom, the mini rub mushroom, the..." - "Jesus, Joe, please don't bring up the perm-topic again, I am looking forward to the day we wrap so I will never hear that story again." Ben smiled, Gwil was barely keeping a straight face and slowly turned red, until he burst out in laughter.

"You don't understand my pain!"

And with that, Ben lost it as well. I rolled my eyes, smiling about their amusement, when finally Lucy and Rami arrived at the set, already in their costumes. "Oh, there they are, was the sex good?" Both looked at me with big eyes and stammered some undefined words.

Ben and Gwil stood up, laughing even more if that's possible. "I'll take that as a yes – so can we start now?"

We were on the set, everything prepared for the scene where Queen played Killer Queen at the top of the pops. "Alright everybody, now since everybody is here, we'll start at the beginning. Allen, you're first, then the band. Brian and Roger are here today as well, they will appear in this scene later on. So let's get started – guys you can get your instruments."

Ben sat down behind the drums, I grabbed my bass and Gwil already got his guitar. Ramis outfit was... special today, and as soon as he wears the costume and the wig, it's like he became Freddie. The walk, the way he talks, his hand movements – it's perfect.

They did a few takes with Allen, then it was our turn. "This is SHIT!", Ben complained after a few hits on the drums. "That's not in the script, but I like it, we'll take that – can you do it again?", one of the producers yelled behind the camera. Everybody started to laugh. "Now that's the first time Bens constant swearing led to something useful."

"We'll know the BLOODY difference!", Gwil added another line, it was nice seeing everybody in such a good mood. And so, we continued shooting.

We were done for today after finishing the concert-shooting with an audience. After most of them were gone, the boys and I were still jamming around, having fun. I glanced over to Ben, who was still dressed in his costume.

It was not much though. He wore black pants and a beige vest, that was pretty much it, he wore nothing underneath. He looked quite handsome; the wig is doing its part as well. Why did I even think about that? "Ey, mazzello, would you mind stopping staring at me and listening to me instead."

"Mazzello? You serious?" - "You said I am not allowed to call you Joseph anymore, so Mazzello it is." I rolled my eyes, Gwil and Rami laughed and Ben looked at me triumphantly.

Before I could say something else, Gwil put away his guitar. "I better get going, guys, I promised my parents I would drop by later." My look went back to Ben, who looked like he was punched in the face. As soon as he noticed me looking at him he stood up and changed back to a straight face. "I'm going to get dressed now..."

Rami watched him leave and turned to Gwil, the second Ben left the room. "You should go after him, you know that, right?" - "I really have to go.", he mumbled and headed out in the other direction.

I watched our friends dissapear and turned around to Rami. "That's not got." - "Dear, not good is highly understated." I sighed and put the bass away. "I guess I should look after Ben. Can you take care of Gwil, before he leaves?" Rami nodded. "I'll call you later, let's grab a drink after that – we have to do something."

"It's kind of not our business, Rami..." - "Hell yeah it is, those two are our best friends, we have to work with them a few more months, so it IS kind of our business, because it will be bloody uncomfortable if this goes on like that." He points in the directions, where our friends left. 

He was right, I liked our evenings together, where everybody was happy. "Alright, see you later then. Lucy coming as well?" - "I guess not, a friend of her is in town."

"Oh wow, is that real? I have the honour of meeting you ALONE?!" - "Oh, fuck off." Rami laughed and shook his head. "Now go and help Ben. We'll talk later."
Let me know what you think and what you would like to happen (:
I am very busy right now, I am really trying to keep posting regularly, because writing is the one good thing in my life right now haha ^^

Have a great day

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