- Three . Thinking -

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I raised one eyebrow and folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Jesus, Ben. Afraid of what? We are best friends since we met here, I thought we can tell each other everything." I sounded a little bit more annoyed than I wanted to and I immediately felt bad. Ben threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"I know that, I really do." He sounded honest and I felt bad for my annoyed tone before, tried to make it up with a softer look on my face, uncrossing my arms again. "But I didn't know if you would be mad about it."

"Why should I? I knew you are gay, so I knew that Gwil is bisexual – you are two of my closest friends, I am happy if you are and you should know that."

Out of the sudden, Ben pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. I am really lucky to have a friend like him, also I am very glad to have him. A few seconds later Ben moved back and we were separated again.

"I... Uhm... I should go to sleep now. And I promised to call Gwil before that, so... We'll see tomorrow?" Ben scratched the back of his head and moves a few steps backwards, ready to go inside.

"Yeah, sure. I am really happy for you though; I just want you to know that. And if you ever need anything, I'll be always there for you."

And off he went.

A little later I jumped onto my bed in my hotel room, all the lights already switched off, starring at the ceiling. My body is really tired but my head won't rest. I can't stop thinking about Ben and Gwil. I really meant what I said, I really am happy for them, honestly.

But why can't I stop thinking about it then?

I rolled around and took my phone and my headphones from the nightstand. I put them in my ears and started a random playlist. My head won't shut up at the moment, I had to get something else on my mind.

I really have to talk to Ben again about everything. I need to know more details, maybe that could ease up my mind. He seemed kind of running away from talking to me more about it earlier, so I feel really left in the dark.

I just hoped he was happy.

The moment my alarm went off I already laid in my bed wide awake. I've got a long day ahead of me, but first I wanted to talk to Ben, because I didn't get much sleep that night and it was making me crazy, so I couldn't wait any longer.

I got dressed, showered, brushed my teeth. Okay, maybe not that order in particular, I didn't take a shower with my clothes on.

I literally stood under the warm water for half an hour with closed eyes, completely captured in my mind palace. I am pretty much of a thinker and I hate that about myself, it's making things complicated, I am thinking over and over things all the time.

When I was done, I went out of my room and to the stairs, one floor down, where Ben has his room. I knocked and a few seconds later the door opened and a quite tired blond-head stood in front of me. "Oh, good morning, Joe – I, uhm, I just woke up."

"Yeah, I see that.", I laughed. "May I talk to you for a second before we meet everybody for breakfast?" - "Sure."

He turned and got back into his room, throwing his T-Shirt in one corner and went to the cupboard to get dressed, without wearing a shirt.


Alright, next Chapter here :)
I hope you had fun - I am really enjoing to write again, I didn't do it for a while, so let me know if there is something I could do better

See you in a few days,
~ Kat

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