- Twenty-seven . Shower -

265 18 9

Bens PoV

"I didn't say, that I didn't like it."

He just left the room. He said something like that and left the room. And before he did that, he winked. He bloody winked! Why was he acting so strange lately? He was like... Flirty? His actions really confused me.

I mean, he stood in front of my door yesterday night, he came to me, totally shitfaced and it was really heart-warming how clumsy he was, I liked the drunk Joe. He was pretty funny and adorable as hell.

Damn, Joe was acting so weird.

I fell back and took a pillow to put it over my face. I grunted loudly and threw the cushion away before I sat up and went to my closet. We didn't have to be on set today, so it would be a quiet and comfy day. I guessed that Joe would stay a little while longer, since I heard the shower running.

I threw my shirt away and took a new one, preparing clothes for Joe as well.

As soon as I put my new shirt on, I heard a loud rumbling in the bathroom and I looked up immediately. I rushed to the bath and knocked on the door. "Joe?" I didn't get an answer right away, so I knocked again.

"Joe? Joe, are you alright?"

After a few more seconds I finally got an answer. "Uhm, yeah, kind of...", Joe answered and paused. "Are you still there?", I heard Joes voice again and smiled a little, moving my ear closer to the door to hear him better. "Yeah, I'm still here - what happened? Sure you are okay?"

"Well... Yeah... I mean, no, I think I dislocated my shoulder and I can't get up on my own. I got kind of dizzy and I slipped and now I'm lying on the ground..."

I got worried even more and took the doorknob in my hand. "I'll come in now.", I said and started to open the door. "Ben stop! Don't come in! I'm naked!"

I couldn't help but smile on that comment. "I don't care, Joe! You need help, so I'll come in now. I can keep my eyes closed and you can guide me to a towel to cover your... private parts. And then we'll figure it out. I can give you a drive to the hospital. But I'll come in now. With closed eyes, so don't let me run into something. I trust you with this!"

I waited a few seconds, until I heard a quiet ‚Alright' from inside. After a sigh I closed my eyes and fully opened the door.

I still heard the shower running and reached my hands out to code my way through to Joe. "Careful! There are my clothes on the ground. Don't trip over them, we don't need two injured boys alone in a bathroom... People would talk."

„At least one of us is fully dressed!"

He laughed quitely, which relieved me a little, and spoke again. "To your left is a towel on the hanger, just take it and hand it to me, then you can open your eyes and we can get out of this never-ending embarrassing situation."

Although this all wasn't really funny I let out a little laugh and so did Joe. It was a really ridiculous situation. I reached out to my left and grabbed my towel, moving a few steps forward into the direction where I thought my shower was.

"Toss it in my direction."

I threw it over to where I heard his voice and sincerely hoped I didn't hit anything on the way. "Thanks." 

Joes sounded muffled, so I guess I threw it directly into his face. I couldn't keep a smile and scratched the back of my head. 

"You can open your eyes now. Please get me out of here and turn this fucking water off, it's annoying." 

When I opened my eyes, I saw a nearly naked Joe on the ground in the shower, a very small towel around his hips. I really tried not to stare at his body and moved the few steps closer to him, leaned over and turned off the water.

Joe held his right arm with his left and his face showed that he was in pain.

"You are so clumsy. You should have eaten the granola bars I gave you before." - "Yeah... after the alcohol yesterday I really couldn't eat anything without throwing up all over your bed...", he mumbled in an answer and didn't look me in the eyes.

"Well, I'd rather cleaned up your vomit than driving you to the hospital to be completely honest." I smiled lightly and he rolled his eyes, avoiding my look. "Could I be a bigger burden for you today?"

When I looked up I saw a sad expression on Joes face. He really thought that I would be angry at him. "You are no burden, Joseph, don't you ever say that again. I am there for you, even when you are a complete idiot."

I bent down to him and wrapped one arm around him, helped him to slowly get up. 

And when he moved, the really very small towel fell on the ground.
One of them is naked - it's going in the right direction
I'm a few chapters ahead of this - it's going to happen something soon, be prepared

Have a great day

Also, #2 in Hardzello, Omg, you guys are amazing 😍 that really made my day


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