- Twenty-eight . Embarrassment -

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Joes PoV

Oh my god, please kill me.


I completely panicked, if anyone hasn't noticed yet. As soon as I screamed Ben flinched, but immediately did as I said and I covered my face with embarrassment. Well, one hand isn't quite enough to hide behind, but I really tried my best, believe me. I wished I would disappear right there on the spot, for one second I totally forgot the pain of my other hand. 

Ben had picked me up already, like it was nothing for him, like I was light like a feather. If it wouldn't be in this situation right now, I would probably have liked it.

"What the hell is happening, Joe?" Bens voice was deep and strong. He stopped as soon as he closed his eyes, to avoid bumping into the furniture on our way out of the bathroom. 

So we stood there in the bathroom, Ben carrying me bridal style, and me naked. TOTALLY naked. Why keep such things always happening to me?

I slowly took my hand off my face again. "Well...", I started but my voice didn't want to work. I cleared my throat and tried talking again. „I've lost the towel.", I mumbled and looked anywhere but Bens face. Although his eyes were closed, I felt too embarrassed to look at him.

"Okaay..." Ben tried not to laugh, I heard that, I didn't even have to look at his face to see his smirk right in front of me, that damn adorable smirk. "So, what's the plan then?"

That was a really good question. 

"I... I don't know... I could lead you to the bed, you can put me there and give me some of your clothes out of the closet. But you have to promise to keep your eyes shut, Ben, really, I totally mean it, you have to swear that you won't open your eyes until I say you can."

I literally felt how Ben rolled his closed eyes, but he nodded. „You don't have a better idea, do you?" The blonde shook his head and sighed. "Alright, let's do it your way. Please don't let me bump into something.", he repeated like he did before he got into the bathroom in the first place. "Okay, you can let me down, I guess I can walk by myself, just support me, I'm still a little bit dizzy."

Ben did as I said and sat my feet on the ground, one arm still around my hips with a strong grip, to keep me from falling.

"Alright... Go straight forward, slowly... a few steps and we'll reach the door, it isn't locked, so just push it open with one foot."

This situation was ridiculous. Although Ben couldn't see anything, his hands and arms were placed on my bare skin and I was bloody naked! I didn't even have a free hand to hide my private parts because my good hand was stabilizing my hurt arm. It was a really weird feeling but next to the embarrassment it felt quite good to feel his hands touching me...

"Joe! I need instructions!" Ben snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So sorry, Ben. Uhm... right foot forward, kick the door open. Yeah, great, now slowly a little bit to the right, around the couch and we're there."

I could sense that Ben was kind of insecure with his movements, but he seemed to trust me, because he did exactly like I said. I followed him, pressed against his body, slightly pushing him into the right direction. 

"Okay, we're next to the bed, you can let go off me now, I'll sit down. Your closet is a few steps away to your left."

I slowly sat down, Bens Hands still on my hip and my back, to make sure I was safe before he moved on to get the clothes. He stroke my back and arm with his hand when he let me go, like he didn't want to end the touch. I felt goosebumps on my skin and tried to give it not too much of a thought.

He looked adorable as he went to the drawer, his hands in front of him, to avoid crushing into anything on the way.

He reached the doors, opened one and groped for a shirt. He took one and tossed it in my direction, it landed next to me on the bed. A few moments later, also sweatpants and a new pair of boxers followed and Ben finally turned around again, his eyes were still closed.

But now there was a new problem. How should I dress myself when I can barely move my right arm and need my left one to stabilize the other.

"Ben..." - "What is it, Joe? Are you alright?"

His voice was full of concern, which was really sweet of him. "Uhm... yeah... It's just... I- I can't get dressed on my own... You have to help me put on my underwear, then you can open your eyes and we can end this ridiculously embarrassing situation."

"You... you want me to help you put on the boxers... while I still have my eyes closed..."


Oh Lord.

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