- Nineteen . Sleepover -

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One hour later we were in Bens room.

"Shall I go and get some clothes from my place? I could be back in a few minutes." I stopped and looked at him, but he just mumbled something and jumped on the bed, burying his face in the pillows. "Sorry?", I asked and stepped closer, he raised his head and looked at me with his deep blue eyes.

"I said no... Take some of my clothes, but please don't go."

I smiled a little and went over to his closet. I took out two shirts and sweatpants, tossed one of each at Ben. "Ey.", he yelled out and threw them back. "Get dressed, you little baby! Or do I have to help you with that as well?" I handed them to him once again and headed to the bathroom.

"You should better be changed when I get back!" I looked back over my shoulder and pointed at him. "But you offered to help me!", Ben yelled after me.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me, but I was really relieved that he was able to joke, at least a little. That made me smile. I put the clothes aside and got undressed. When I pulled out the phone, I opened the Chat with Rami. I still didn't really want to talk with him, but I wanted anybody to look after Gwilym, so I kind of had to.

When I opened the chat, there were many messages from Rami from the past few days. I ignored them and started to type.

Call Gwil please, they broke up. We'll talk tomorrow.

For our friends I would forget the thing between me and Rami, there were worse things going on, I was able to forget about my fight with him.

I got changed and went out of the bathroom again. When I came back to the bed, I recognized Ben indeed got changed as well and I smiled. "I am so proud." I laughed a little and sat down next to him, throwing my clothes on the ground.

"Are you going to be okay?", I asked and put my hand on Bens shoulder, when he didn't answer. "Yes...", he sighed and turned his face around, his eyes met mine. We looked at each other for a while, I got a little bit lost in his eyes, forgot everything else around, my hand still placed on his back.

I cleared my throat and finally looked away, pulled my hand back. He covered his face with the sheets of his bed. "I'll go sleep on the couch. It's late and we have to work tomorrow." But as soon as I wanted to get up, he grabbed my hand and held me back, mumbling something into his pillow. Once again, I didn't understand a word.

"Would you repeat that?" Ben looked at me again, squinting his eyes. "I said: Please stay here."

I gulped and sat down again, laying down next to him, staring at the ceiling. "Switch off the light, please.", I said but Ben already had his eyes closed, so I reached over him and turned off the lamp on his nightstand.

To be honest, I wasn't that tired, but I could tell he was, so I just sat there next to him, I heard his breathing getting slower and deeper.

I took my phone out of my pocket again, checking if Rami got my text. It was on read, but he didn't answer me – which was totally okay, I didn't really want to talk to him anyway, but I was worried about Gwil and Ben was too.

I raised my hands and rested them under my head. Why was I still so mad at Rami? It doesn't really make sense, he didn't mean to offend me, at least I didn't think that he meant it.

I had to talk to him again, I didn't want to fight with anybody, especially not with my friends from set, because I needed them so much, we were stuck together and we needed each other, so I had to fix this sooner or later.

A sigh next to me snapped me out of my thoughts. Ben rolled over, now laying with his head on my chest, still sleeping like a baby. My heart started beating faster, I sincerely hoped that it didn't beat too loud so it could wake him up.

What was the matter with me?

I looked down at him, putting my left arm around him, resting my hand on his back. He seemed exhausted, this was a very rough day and I didn't know how to help him any more except holding him and being there for him.

The only thing going through my mind right now was the worry about the next few days, working all together has to work, we all needed that to work.


Hey guys, I'm going through some stuff lately... that's the reason why my uploads are so rare, I am really sorry about that, I try my best to write as much as I have the time for it

Hope all of you are doing alright, it makes me really happy how many people are reading this - let me know what you like and if you dislike anything, I would love to improve my story

Have a great day

Crazy little thing called love - HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now