- Thirty-four . Gwil -

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Gwilyms PoV (wohoo, variety)

I stood in front of Joes door and waited. I waited for me to knock.

Finally, I did it, now I was waiting for the door to open. Why have I said to Ben, that I would call him later? What have I gotten myself into? I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. I really didn't think very much back then in our break room.

I got ripped out of my thoughts as the door opened and Joe stood in front of me, bags under his eyes, messy hair and in black sweatpants. His arm was bandaged against his chest.

"Gwil? What are you doing here?" Joe looked quite confused as he looked me up and down. I decided not to answer his question for now, because I didn't know what to say. "Oh sorry, did I wake you?"

He shook his head. "No, why?" Because you look like you've been in bed for the last couple of days. "No reason.", I answered instead and smiled a little. He stepped aside and we went into the room, heading towards the couch.

When I looked around it was a little messy, but nothing too worrying, because Joe never was that neat. But still, something seemed odd, something about Joe was weird.

"Why are you here, Gwil?", he asked again, this time I couldn't really avoid this question. "I just wanted to see if you are alright, nobody of the guys has seen you since your incident." I nodded towards his arm. "So I just wanted to know if you are doing okay, if you need anything. We all are a little worried. Ben didn't talk much since that... incident, he didn't even tell us what exactly happened. Would you tell me?"

Joe started to laugh a little. "You will never get to know, what exactly happened, guys. Ben and I swore to secrecy."

He sat down next to me on the couch and looked at me. "I'm fine, Gwil, don't you all worry about me. I just slept a lot and got some things done, also I just needed some time for myself, before getting back to work tomorrow. But I miss you all so much, I'm totally looking forward to work again."

He said all of that really quick and in a very weird sounding voice.

"Something about you is odd lately."

Now Joe avoided looking me in the eyes. That just ensured me that something really was going on here and I was wondering even more. "How are you doing, Gwil? We haven't had the chance to talk since you two broke up, how have you been? Are you alright?"

"You are changing the topic, Joe."

He sighed. "I know, would you please answer my questions already, I'll tell you after that." I didn't really believe that he would tell me, but there was a slight chance and I would take it, so I decided to answer his questions.

"I'm... okay, I guess. I'm not great, but I feel better, but it tore me apart that I had to break Bens heart, he really deserves better than that. And I really hope that this is going to be alright one day, maybe not any time soon, but some day. I've got so much time to handle my feelings and my past and everything else. It was the right decision after all, but it was hard."

Before I could say something else, Joe pulled me into a hug and I as well thankfully wrapped my arms around him.

"You two are going to be alright." I nodded a little and looked at him again, after we separated. "By the way, why aren't you answering Bens messages? He's kind of worried sick about you, even though he wouldn't admit it."

Now Joes look on his face got sad and he started to look at his feet. "I am kind of scared I would say something stupid when I am around him..."

His voice was quiet, but I understood what he said. "Why would you say something stupid around him?" - "Ah, never mind, forget what I said."

Joe got up and started to clean up the clothes that were laying around. "No, I won't, it does bother you, you isolated yourself for days now, please talk to me." I got up as well and tried to stop him from running around.

"No, I can't! I can't talk about it. Not with you."

"Why not with-", I started, but suddenly I stopped and froze in my movement. "Ooooh..." My heart was beating heavier now. Joe spun around and strongly shook his head. "Nonono, it's not that, I- uhm... I can't talk to anybody about that, not only you, also to Ben, and Rami and Lucy and... uhm..."

My mouth dropped open, I didn't move at all. "You..." - "No." Joe came closer again. "You..." - "NO!" He cut me off once again. "You are-" - "Please stop talking!"

Joes voice got very high pitched when he stood right in front of me. "You are-" And I couldn't say more because a hand now covered my mouth. Jesus, I could kill him right away, but since I couldn't do that because it's illegal, I simply licked over his hand.

"Eeew." He backed away and wiped his hand on his sweatpants. I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him a little. "Okay, Joe... For god's sake... SHUT UP NOW AND LET ME FINISH OR I WILL KILL YOU."

He nodded, so I tried to start again. "You are having a crush on Ben, don't you?" Joe started to shake his head and tried to talk, but I shushed him, before one tone left his mouth. "Don't you dare lie to me, Joseph."

There were the puppy dog eyes again. He has stopped shaking his head and nodded a little, hardly noticeable, but I saw it.

"Yes, I am..."

I really needed to sit down again.

Soon everybody will know except Ben 😂
Just kidding, don't worry
I hope you liked the chapter from Gwils Point of view

Also... 3k views guys, thank you so much ♥️

Have a great day

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