- Eighteen . Okay -

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Joes PoV

I walked up and down in my trailer, trying not to get crazy.

He didn't call or left a message and it's been hours since the 'love ya' in our last call. I smiled as I thought about that but it made me even more worried. I haven't left my trailer since, because I knew he would need someone when this is over.

My phone rang, I got a message. I sure did never get to my phone so quickly like I did that day, but the message wasn't from Ben, it was from Gwil. 

Go to him. I am so sorry...

I jumped up and rushed out of the door. On my way to Ben I opened the Chat with Gwilym again. 

Are you gonna be okay?

Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, thanks. See you tomorrow, let's talk then.

My steps got bigger, I hurried to get to Ben, I didn't even knock, I just opened the door and went into the trailer. I didn't see him directly, but when I looked down, I saw him sitting on the ground, buried his face in his hands, didn't even recognize that I was here.

I quickly sat down next to him, resting my back on the bench behind me. I pulled him closer, putting my arms around him, but I didn't say a word.

At first, he tensed in my arms, but then all of his muscles relaxed and he fell into the hug. I held him close to me, rubbing one of my hands over his back, just to let him know that I was there when he wanted to talk, when he was ready to speak.

His body was shaking, he cried. I've never seen him cry, I didn't ever expect to see him cry like that, see him broken like that, it broke my heart seeing him like that, it tore me apart. I wanted to help him so badly, but I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there, holding him, making 'shhh'-sounds to calm him down.

Within a while, Ben stopped shaking and also wrapped his arms around me. 

"We broke up."

We pulled back from the hug, but I left my hand around his shoulders, drawing circles on his upper arm. "You can talk about it, if you want. But you don't have to.", I nearly whispered. Ben let out a sigh and rested his head on my shoulder, I rested mine on his head.

"He is going through some personal stuff, he struggles with himself, he needs to figure this out alone. And I get that, I understand that, but it hurts anyway, and I want to help him with that but I can't. It just should not be."

I simply nodded a little and slightly squeezed Bens shoulder. "So, what now? Is working together going to work?" - "Yes." He sounded very certain about that, hearing that was kind of relieving because working with these guys was the best I have done in my life and there were only a few months left.

"We will stay friends, this is going to work, we will make this work." - "That's good, I am very glad to hear that. You two were friends before, you'll figure this out."

"Somebody should look after Gwil, I am worried about him, I've never seen him so distressed. And he really did nothing wrong, he was just being honest, I am not judging him for anything. But as I said he goes through some stuff. I am worried he would do something stupid; he is not in his right mind at the moment."

"He texted me I should look after you, I think he will be fine, but I'll tell Rami he should look after him later, alright?" I rubbed my hand over his arm and smiled a little. Ben cares so much about others, it's impressive.

"Come on, Benni, let's get home. I'll stay at your couch tonight, just to be there in case you need anything, okay?", I got up and offered him my hand.

He smiled a little, took my hand and got up as well. "I guess protest is useless, isn't it?"

"It is indeed."

We got out of the trailer and left the set, quiet. "Benni? For real, Joe?"

"Totally, sounds cute."

This chapter took me a while, I am sorry ):
Let me know what you think, I really love reading your comments ♥️
and thanks so much for the nice words in the last chapter, they really made me happy despite the fact that it was a very sad chapter and very personal

Thank you all so much
Have a great day

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