- Twenty . Realization -

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I woke up when my alarm on my phone went off. As I tried to move, I felt a heavy weight on top of me. I opened my eyes and looked down, Ben was lying next to me, his arms and legs wrapped around me, held me tight, so I couldn't move at all.

Well, what now? I had to smile a little and used my free arm to reach out for my phone. I took it, the alarm was still going. How the hell could Ben still sleep like a freaking baby? My smile got a little malignant while I held the phone directly next to his ear.

He shot up awake, pushed me away with so much strength that in the next moment I found myself on the ground.

"Bloody bastard!", Ben yelled out, but as soon as he sat up and saw me on the ground he burst out in laughter. I finally turned the alarm off and sent Ben a death stare. "Oh shut it, Ben." - "Karma is a bitch, Joe."

The blond leaned over and helped me to get up from the ground, pulling me on the bed again. "We have to go, you idiot, we gotta go to work." But he just snuggled up against me like before, telling me to shut up. He did that like it was the most normal thing in the world, I on the other side was getting nervous, my heartbeat doubled up again.

"I don't know if I can do that today, I don't know if I can face him."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. "Sure you can, you are strong and you two will figure this out – you don't hate him and neither does he, so come on, Ben, you can do it. I know you can, and I am here, everybody is there for you. And for Gwil. We are going to make this work, all together, because we are a team, we are a family."

"You are such a softie." His voice was a little grumpy but as I looked at Ben, he smiled and we looked each other in the eyes for a while. Heat rushed through my body, I kind of wanted this moment to be like forever. But as soon as I thought this, Ben cleared his throat and pulled back from our hug. I immediately got cold, my heart started to slow down again.

He jumped out of the bed and headed to his drawer, took out a shirt and handed it to me. "Take this, we have to wear our costumes later anyway, you don't have to go to your room for changing clothes."

I got up as well, took the shirt and grabbed my jeans from yesterday. Ben disappeared into the bathroom in the meantime, so I decided to undress here. But I really needed a shower. "Ben! Would you hurry up? I can't go to work all stinky, I really need to shower."

"Come in, I'm nearly done."

When I opened the door a half-naked Ben stood in front of me by the mirror. AGAIN. For god's sake, he only wore a towel around his hips. And as soon as I saw this, my heartbeat sped up once again, hearing my pulse in my ears, heat rushing to my face.

He turned around and smiled, scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, the bathroom is all yours." And then he winked at me. HE WINKED! I immediately looked at my toes and stayed quiet, I for sure couldn't even talk if I tried to.

When the door closed behind him, my legs got weak and I sat down on the cool ground. What the hell was wrong with me?

I really didn't know this feeling, it was weird but I kind of liked it. I liked all of it, I liked having Ben around me, I liked this night, when he was clingy as hell, but I liked it. Why did I like everything like that? I couldn't remember that I ever had such a feeling.

I was so confused. Why was I so confused?

Well, I really had to get ready right now, I could think about that later. With a sigh I stood up and hopped in the shower, the hot water on my body was really relaxing. But my head was elsewhere, my mind drove roundabouts.

Why was I acting weird? Why wasn't everything the way it was before? Why couldn't it be easier? I was getting crazy, now it's official. I needed to talk with someone about this, but nobody was a good choice.

Ben? Yeeeah, sure, that wouldn't be a weird talk at all.

Rami? So that he could tell me that he said so?

Gwil? Much better than Ben, let's crush his heart even more.

Lucy? She would tell Rami and he would tell me that he said so.

Allen – Allen it is. He offered that I could talk with him, so I guess I would try. What did I even want to say? I didn't even know how I felt myself, I was confused, that's all. I was most confused around Ben.

Okay, let's be honest – I may be having a little crush.

"Fuck!", I yelled out. Rami was right, and he DID say so. I really started to hate my life right now.

I may be having a crush on Ben.

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~ Kat

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