- Thirty-three . Lunch break -

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Bens PoV

"When is Joe coming back?", Rami asked. "Tomorrow." I didn't bother looking up from my phone to meet his gaze. We were in the break room and had lunch before we continued shooting. I sat on the couch while Rami and Gwil were at the table. Lucy could go home earlier today and Allen was looking for something in the little fridge.

"Did you hear something from him? How is he?"

Allen joined the others at the table and scanned me, waiting for an answer. When I looked up there was something on his look I couldn't really interpret, but I didn't give it too much thought and concentrated on my phone again.

As an answer I simply shrugged. "No."

He didn't answer any messages from me. He was clearly trying to get away from me but I didn't know why and it drove me crazy. I missed having him around me all the time. I thought about going to his room, but I didn't want to pressure or annoy him.

It's been two whole days, and nobody seemed to have seen Joe. I was worried, and sad, and a little bit angry that he didn't talk to me about whatever was bothering him. Silence filled the room and when I took my eyes off my phone screen I saw all three of them looking at me. "What?"

That maybe sounded a little more pissed off than it was supposed to, because my friends immediately looked away, Allen raised his arms in defense. "Nothing, sorry. He'll come back tomorrow, I'm sure everything will be as usual, as soon as he's here. Maybe he's just resting and needs a little bit time alone."

I nodded. "Yeah, sure."

A knock on the door broke the upcoming silence again. An assistant put his head through the door. "We'll continue in five minutes."

We all murmured our agreements and the door closed again. Rami got up and put his plate away, he and Allen left the room, leaving me alone with Gwil. I heard their chatter getting quiet down the hall.

This silence now was way more uncomfortable than the ones before. I haven't been alone with him since we broke up, I didn't know what to say. "You should go and see him, Ben."

I raised my eyebrows and finally put my phone in my pocket. I didn't expect him talking to me, we haven't changed a word for days, especially not in private. "I don't think so, he kind of ran away from me the last time I've seen him. Maybe he doesn't want to see me. I'll see him tomorrow, then I'll figure out what to do."

"I could pay him a visit after work, just to check if he's okay."

My expression got even more surprised. "You don't have to do that." Gwil shrugged and avoided to look into my eyes. "I know, but I want to, I worry about him as well. I can tell you what he said later, to take that off your mind. I'll call you, but promise me you don't think about it too much."

Gwil threw the package of his sandwich in the trash and left the room, I haven't said anything. It was really nice of him doing that.

I had to get going as well, so I jumped up from the couch and followed the others.

After finishing the last scene for today, we all went to our trailers, but Allen held me back. "Joe doesn't mean to ignore you, you know? I'm sure he'll explain it to you, I-" I cut him off right there. "You know, what's the matter with him?!"

I think I shouted a little too loud, because Allen flinched and took a step backwards. "Uhm, n-no. No. No!"

That wasn't really convincing. "What's going on, Allen?"

"I don't know!" - "You do know." I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes. "I..." Allen sighed and stepped closer again and ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, Ben... I just wanted to say, that he will tell you one day, what's bothering him, he-"

I disrupted him again. "But you-" - "Stop it, I'm not finished yet. Would you just shut up and listen for one minute, then you can go on." Allen held his hand in front of my mouth to shut me up. I groaned and rolled my eyes, but I nodded, so he removed his hand again and continued.

"As I wanted to say before... He just needs a little time to calm down. He's a very emotional person, you know that, and you also know, that he would do anything for you, so just give him a little time and he will come to you."

I scanned his face and thought about what he just said. I knew he was right, but I really wanted to know what was going on with Joe. And it drove me crazy that Allen wouldn't tell me. And also it drove me crazy, that Joe had talked about it to Allen but he didn't talk about it with me. He just disappeared and didn't answer my messages.

"Okay. But tell me one thing... Is it something serious going on?"

Allen slowly shook his head, holding eye contact. "Everything is going to be okay, Ben."

"I'm gonna believe you... for now. But this talk is not over yet." I pointed my finger at him. I would try it Allens way and would be waiting for a while, but if Joe keeps avoiding me, I really needed to know what was bothering him.

I couldn't get him off my mind, no matter how hard I tried.


One new chapter for yall
let me know if you have any wishes or recommendations :)

Have a great day

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