- Thirty-six . Secret -

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Gwils PoV

That may have been the hardest thing I've done in the past few months, including the break up.

Joe was in love with Ben... Well, honestly, I would lie if I'd say that I was super surprised by that, because the two of them have always been very close, except the time when Ben and I were dating. They did have a special connection, that was clear from the very first shooting day. They kept messing around with each other, made each other laugh all the time, annoyed nearly everybody else.

I wasn't mad at Joe, that wouldn't be fair either. I was simply overwhelmed by all of that what happened inside that room.

What was I going to do now? At first, I kind of have to call Ben, because I promised to do that and I knew Ben, he was worried sick and if I didn't call I would only make it worse. But what should I tell him?

I was on my way out of the hotel, when I heard somebody calling my name in the lobby. I turned around and there was Ben, coming right at me. This day was really a hell of a ride of my feelings and it just wouldn't stop.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" - "I've just had coffee with Rami, have you seen Joe yet?"

I was waiting for this question, but now he got me unprepared. I was going to call him when I could think about what I would tell him. "Uhm, yeah, I'm coming from his room actually, I was on my way home."

When I looked him in the eyes, they were full of concern and that broke my heart. There was no possible way telling him, what Joe and I were talking about, but I wish I could, because it would explain Joes weird behavior and it would show him, that it wasn't really a bad thing... But I had to keep my goddamn mouth shut.

"How is he?" He's in love with you. "He's alright, he slept a lot and he's totally ready to come back to work tomorrow. He was just recovering I guess. But you should definitely go and see him, or at least call him. He for sure misses you." Not sure if he did anything else in the last few days than missing Ben.

There was a little relieve in Bens eyes and as soon as he smiled, I could relax a little as well. Okay, that went alright, I didn't lie too much and Ben believed me. He would go to Joe and maybe everything would be easier when Joe starts to open up.

"Okay, I'll do that, thanks Gwil, thank you so much."

Then I found myself in a hug again. It was the first time we hugged since we broke up and it felt pretty good. It felt like this would become a friendship again, like before we started dating. Ben still meant a lot to me.

We parted and I was about to go, but Ben still seemed like something was bothering him. "What's the matter?" He shifted from one foot to another. "Did he say something about me? Because we haven't seen each other since we came back from the hospital and he seemed pretty odd, talking to Allen on the phone about something he couldn't tell me. When I came in he got all crazy and hysterical and basically ran out of my room, I haven't seen him since. Did I do anything wrong? Is he mad at me?"

Oh lord.

Now I panicked a little bit, because sometimes my mouth said words before I could think about it and this can not happen here, because Joe would literally kill me. And I would totally understand that.

"Uhm... No, we didn't really talk about you actually, I've only been up there for ten minutes or something like that, we made smalltalk, nothing very interesting."

Although I could imagine exactly why Joe reacted the way he did when Ben walked in on him talking to Allen on the phone, I couldn't explain it to him. I kind of hated to be in this situation right now, but I said to Joe I would remain silent, so I had to do that.

It wasn't my place to drop such a bomb like this. That was something between Ben and Joe, I wasn't part of this. "You know what? Go talk to him now, I'm sure he would love... like to see you." Damn it, Gwil, what are you doing there. Control the words that come out of your mouth!

Ben nodded and tried to smile a little. "Thank you for telling me, I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that he headed into the direction of the elevator and left me standing there alone. I was relieved this conversation was over and I didn't have to be careful of what I was saying anymore. I did better than I expected.

New chapter finally here
I'm sorry for the delay, a lot is going on in my life right now

Have a good day ♥️
~ Kat

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