- Sixteen . Rogerina -

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"I am NOT coming out!"

I sighed, sat down on the ground in front of Bens Trailer. "Ben, you have to come out – we are all done, we are ready to shoot, we are all waiting for you to come out of this fucking Trailer! So move your bloody ass or I will kick it so hard you won't be able to sit the next few days."

To be honest, I was not angry, I smiled while I said that, but the whole situation was so ridiculous. "This skirt is way too short." - "Yeah, well you have to live with that, because that's Rogers outfit and you have to rock that outfit as good as he did."

The trailer door slammed open, I flinched at the sound, but when I looked at Ben, I was speechless. He wore the exact same outfit like Roger did in the music video. The wig, the tie, the indeed very short skirt.

"You can close your mouth now.", Ben laughed and offered me his hand, to help me getting up.

I took it and we were on our way to set. "I told you, that you would look gorgeous. Roger will be so proud."

Ben didn't look up while I talked, but I saw him blushing, what made me laugh, patting him on his shoulder to cheer him up.

As soon as we walked in, everybody stared at us. Well, not at us, I guess they stared at Ben. I really couldn't compete with his look, I wore a replica of John Deacons 'Angry Grandma'-outfit of Queens music video, I sure looked very funny, but Ben... he looked amazing.

We started filming after everybody gave their comments on our looks. Even Gwil came over, smiling, kissing his boyfriend, telling him that he looked cute – it was really nice seeing them a little bit happy again.  Although there was a look on Gwilyms face which I couldn't read, he seemed somewhere else with his thoughts.

We did a few takes, well we did a lot of takes. A lot of 'God knows' from Ben, because everybody including Ben started laughing as soon as he flipped his hair back or wiggled his ass. 

Then it was Ramis turn, Ben, Wil and I were messing around in the background. I jumped on the couch, invading the whole space for myself. Ben looked at me, smirked and started to do an in run, before he jumped and landed directly on me.

I groaned and laughed, started to tickle him. "You little bitch, move your ass."

"Never.", he giggled and stayed in his position. "MOVE. YOUR. FUCKING. ASS." I slapped his butt to support my point.

We both laughed, but he still didn't move, so I just flipped him over and he found himself on the ground, looking at me like I did a horrible crime.

Gwil came in, this time he jumped on the couch, landing on my chest, taking my breath away, literally. "Oh my god I hate you both, you deserve each other.", I mumbled underneath him, catching for breath.

After we were done with the music video, they needed a few shots with Rami, so the others of us were good to go. I still didn't talk to him when I didn't have to. I was a professional, so I worked with him without any problem, but I avoided any other conversation. And he stopped trying at some point.

Everybody of us headed to their trailer, taking our costumes off. They had taken off my wig before, so I only had to get rid of my Angry-grandma-dress. And my make up, I really have to get rid of my makeup, unless I wanted to look like... well... an angry grandma.

As soon as I was undressed, my phone rang. I picked up and put it on speaker. "Joe, I am going crazy, I really am."

It was Ben. 

"I know, calm down, take deep breaths and close your eyes." I heard him breathing for a while. "What shall I do if he doesn't show up?", he asked, a little calmer than before. "He will show up, Ben, I am sure he will. And if he doesn't, he is the most stupid human being in the whole world to let someone like you go."

"Joe, I-", Ben started after a small pause, my heart pulsating in my ears. A knocking sounded through the phone and Ben spoke up again, this time silently. "I think Gwil is here... I gotta go, I'll call you later. Thanks for everything, Joe, love ya."
So... it's the 24th of November. Happy birthday to Gwil and we love and miss you, Freddie ♥️
I hope all of you have a good day, thanks so much for nearly 400 reads, that's so amazing

Have a great evening

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