- Twenty-nine . Get dressed -

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Bens PoV

"Uhm... Don't get me wrong, but... How do you think this works? What do you want me to do?"

I got so nervous. My hands were getting sweaty and I started to feel jittery. He... He wants me to help him get his underwear on. That was a thing I never thought I would ever do, but here I am and I really don't know if I can do this. Or HOW I can do this.

I still had my eyes closed, so I couldn't see anything, but my guess was that Joe was in the same condition as I was in, because his voice was way quieter and shyer than usual. "Just take the boxers and hold them for me so that I can... put my feet in and then I'll try putting it up myself."

After that he mumbled something else but I didn't understand a word. "What was that?" - "I said I am very glad you can't see my face at the moment because it feels like it will get up in flames any second now."

Although this was really awkward, I had to smile. "I'm sure that looks adorable, but can we focus now and get this over with?"

"Yes, please!"

I carefully took a few steps towards Ben and reached out with my hand, so that he could hand me the boxers I gave him before. Soon after I felt the soft fabric and bent down on my knees. I tried to get my shivering hands under control as I held the boxers in the right position for Joe to just put his feet in.

And so he did. At least I think so, because I still couldn't see a thing and only felt a movement at my hands. "Okay... uhm... can you pull them up a little, so that I could... reach them."

I did as he said until I felt a hand on mine. Joe slowly rubbed a thumb over the back of my hand and then took the boxers out of my grip. Why did I get goosebumps right now? "Thank you..." His voice was nearly a whisper, but I heard it and now I was very sure, that I was quite blushed by myself.

I got up again and felt quite lost. "You- You can open your eyes again, Ben. Once again, I am very sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

It felt pretty good to being able to see again. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Joe, who indeed had a pretty red face. As soon as I looked at him, I couldn't hold a smile back. 

To avoid any uncomfortable silence, I reached over to the shirt which was still placed next to him on the bed and unfolded it to help him get dressed. I put it over his head as gently as I could and he put his one arm in by himself. But as soon as he moved his right arm, he hissed and squinted his eyes in pain.

"Easy, Joe, come on, let me help you." - "Nonono, it's okay, I'm fine."

He tried to hide his expression and wanted to try again, but I softly placed a hand on his hurt shoulder and stopped him from moving. "You are not, let me help you. I don't take no as an answer, so just shut up and let me do it."

Joe didn't look at me, but I saw his cheeks blush a little and I even thought I saw a little smile. I tried to be as gentle as I could when I helped him to get the shirt on and in the end, it worked and only the sweatpants were left.

"Same procedure as with the boxers I guess?"

"Yeah... pleeease." Finally, Joe looked at me again, his eyes big like the ones of a puppy. "Can I leave my eyes open this time or do I have to close them again?"

He rolled his eyes, but I heard him laugh a little, he had a cheeky smile on his face when I glanced at him. "Keep them open, look as much as you want, you will not see as much skin of mine again any time soon."

Once again, heat rushed through my body and I cleared my throat, I looked away again. "That was not what I meant." 

"Yeah, it's okay, I know I'm hot, but I still have to wear pants when we want to go to the hospital, so please, let's do it." A few moments later Joe was fully dressed and we were nearly ready to go. I even put his shoes on, kind of like the day before, when I took his shoes off, just the other way around. I helped him to get up from my bed and as soon as we were standing, I wrapped my arm around him again, to support him.

But when we were about to go, Joe stopped. "What is it? Are you okay?"

When he looked at me, he had a serious expression on his face. "Can we please not talk about this ever again?"

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Sure thing, Joseph."

2 k views 😱 oh my god you guys are amazing

Be patient, some more stuff is coming soon - I didn't want it to be easy for the both of them, but things will get exciting soon

Love ya all, have a great day

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