- Nine . Fall -

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"You should call him back, Ben."

We stood in front of the pub, Ben smoking a cigarette, me with my hands deep in my pockets. "It's late, he is probably already asleep." The blonde blew the smoke in the air, facing away from me, he knew I couldn't stand the smell. I couldn't stand anything about smoking and Ben knew that as well, I wondered what Gwilym thinks about that.


Ben glanced at me, confusion on his face. "Why what, Joseph?"

I shrugged, rolled my eyes as he called me by my full name. "Why are you avoiding him, Benjamin?" I shot back and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I- I don't avoid him, we are fine, we are just taking some time alone, that's it."

Thoughts ran through my mind, but I didn't say them out loud.

They have been together for one or two months now, and they needed space? They should be happy for god's sake... They seemed so happy with each other, I enjoyed seeing my best friend happy and I don't want that to end so soon after it started.

Ben threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, like he does every time.

"Heading home?", he asked and gave me a friendly smile.

Damn, I missed spending time with him alone. I enjoyed the last few days, I really did, although I feel a little bad because it means that Ben is not seeing his boyfriend.

"Shall we call a cab?", I asked before I pulled out my phone, ready to do how I said, but Ben shook his head. "How about we walk home?" - "That's quite a long way. Aren't you cold?" - "No I am fine, I just... I would like to walk with you."

We went in silence, his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere and I didn't want to distract him, he would tell me if he wanted to talk about anything. I got lost in my thoughts as well, like I did all the time.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

I looked up to the blonde next to me, but he didn't look back, focused on the road in front of him. "Anything." But after I answered him, he was quiet again.

The streets were wet, it seems like it rained while we were at the pub. The air was cold and clear, it felt good to be out here, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I shouldn't have done that, because this very second, I stumbled and fell.

So, as I opened my eyes, I faced the street and heard laughter next to me.

"Ouch!", I mumbled and sat up. "I- I am sorry. B- but that was hilarious.", he snickered and reached out his hand. I took it, but as soon as he tried to help me get up, I pulled with all my strength. He fell down next to me, well not really, half of his body fell ON me.

"I hate you, Mazzello.", Ben grumbled, rolling off my body. He sat next to me, pounded the dust and mud off of his brown jumper. "You laughed at me! Blame yourself." I couldn't help it, but laugh and Ben joined me few seconds later.

I got up, reached out for his hand again, he took it and we continued our walk home.

"You got some... street in your hair." I stopped and reached out for his head, picked a little pebble out of his hair. He didn't move, I felt his eyes scanning my face. "Alright, as good as new."

My eyes met his, I smiled, he didn't.

"You alright?" He flinched and nodded, before he started to walk again. I followed him, but we stayed silent again.

"So, you wanted to ask me something before we ended up on the pavement."

We reached over 100 views, oh my god, that really makes my day a lot better :) thanks a lot to all of you
Hope you all had a good day

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