- Six . Friend -

295 17 11

Joes PoV

On my way home I met Allen and he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie or something like that. Since I had nothing else to do right now I said yes and we agreed we would meet later in my hotel room, he would bring the snacks and I wanted to buy some drinks.

The second I got into my room, I threw my jacket and my bag next to my bed before I sat down on the couch, pulling my phone out of my pocket. 

Gwil and Ben had posted a picture of them on Instagram. Nothing obvious, just the same they always do. 

Usually I am commenting on posts like that, but this time I didn't. I closed the app, put my phone on the small coffee table and stood up to change into more comfortable clothes.

As I threw my shirt over to my bed, I hit the lamp on my nightstand. I saw it falling and cracking on the ground. At least it did not burst into many pieces.

"Argh, fuck my life." I let out a sigh, facepalmed myself and started to pick up the shards, throwing them away into the trash bin. The last piece I picked up, I cut myself in my hand balm.

"Oh sure, that had to happen. That's definitely my perfect week.", I mumbled to myself, that was so typical for me.

I went to the bathroom to get my hand cleaned. I had a first aid kit in the cupboard, I pulled out a bandage and wrapped it around my hand as best as I could.

As soon as I was done, somebody knocked on my door. 

Allen came in after I opened the door. "Are you alright, mate?", the Irish asked before he sat down. "Yeah, sure, why are you asking?" - "You seem a little bit off... and your hand doesn't look good, what the hell did you do?" He looked at me in concern. I didn't answer him right away, thats why he raised his voice again. "Do you wanna be alone right now? We don't have to watch a movie today." 

But I instantly shook my head and smiled in his direction. "I'm fine, really, you don't have to worry about me." I tried to smile at him, waving my bandage-hand. "I just destroyed my lamp, don't mind, it'll be fine."

I put some bottles of beer on the table in front of us and turned the TV on. I just zapped through the channels and we talked a little bit, drank some beer and ate the chips that Allen brought. 

"Soo... Gwil and Ben, huh?", Allen asked out of the sudden and I finally turned the TV off, we couldn't decide what to watch anyway. "Uhm, yes?" I looked at him, confused what he meant and why he started this topic. My heart started to beat faster, I got nervous.

"They seem happy." - "Yes." 

"Didn't think they would fall for each other." - "Yes." (Does anybody know the Video of Deaky in an interview on a bus, where his only answer to any question was eeyes? okay sorry, back to the story)

I took a sip from my beer, moved the bottle around in my hands. "I on my side always thought Ben would like you more." 

And – once again – I nearly spit out the beer and coughed. After I got my breathing under control, I looked at Allen, my eyes as big as golf balls. "Jesus, buddy, I was trying to make a joke – what is with you today?"

I didn't know how to answer to that, because I didn't know what was going on with me, inside my head. I shrugged my shoulders and avoided any eye contact. "Look, Joe, if you wanna talk about it, I am here for you."

Silence. I still didn't know what to say. 

I am just not in a good mood today, maybe because most of my friends are happily in a relationship while I ended up alone again. Everybody is moving on, everybody was single on our first day filming. Now there is only me left, while everybody else found happiness. 

Allen waited patiently, only let out a little sigh after a few minutes. "I'll go now, you can call me, if anything is wrong. I am worried about you, okay? I really care, if you think nobody does – but there are people, who care and I am sure I am not the only one." He got up and put a hand on my shoulder. 

I was about to answer, but then it knocked again. I got up and opened the door. 

It was Ben.
Alright guys, new chapter as promised :)
let me know what you think. What will happen next?

See ya

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