- Seven . Help -

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Ben seemed like he wanted to say something, but he stopped as soon as he saw Allen. 

The latter smiled a little and came closer. "Sorry, I just wanted to leave.", he said, but he turned around again before he went out the door. "But I meant it, Joe." And with that, he was gone, leaving me alone with Ben, who still stood in the hallway.

"I am so sorry to bother you; I did not want to interrupt." He looked at his shoes, I simply took his hand and pulled him into my room, closing the door behind us. "Forget it – tell me, what's up? Isn't it date night?"

He nodded, but didn't say anything. "My goodness, joe, what did you do with your hand?", he asked and took my hand into his, looking at it carefully.

"It's nothing, really." I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but he kept holding onto it. "It's bleeding, Joe, we should change these." And before I could say anything else, Ben dragged me into the bathroom and gently started to take off my bandage.

As soon he was done, he pushed my hand into the sink and turned on the water. He slightly washed the blood off and took the first aid kid again, which was still placed next to the sink.

Neither of us said a word during this whole process. I simply watched him doing all of this, was impressed how much he cared.

When he finished, we went back to my bedroom. "Thanks, Ben." - "Not for that..."

We were standing in the middle of the room, Ben silently starring on the ground. I sighed and finally pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me even closer. Something clearly was wrong and I got worried more and more. 

After some time, he moved back and ran his fingers through his hair, sat down on the couch. I took place next to him. "Please, Ben – talk to me."

"We had an argument. Well, to be honest, we had quite a big fight."

I waited, but he was in mute-mode again. "About what? For god's sake, don't make it so complicated, I am trying to help here." A dramatic hand gesture shows my despair. I smiled a little and even Ben let out a little laugh. 

"No, really, tell me, I am there for you, as I said before.", I paused to look at him. "I am here and I won't go anywhere, so spill it."

"I knew this conversation would come eventually, but I wasn't prepared. We talked about seeing other people and he asked me if I would be okay if he meets another guy who has asked for his number one day." - "So?" 

My eyebrows went upwards and I am sure I got a confused look on my face, a little smile on my lips.

"Why the bloody hell are you smiling?" Bens voice was furious. I raised my hands in defence, then placed one of them gently on his knee, trying to keep him calm, before I started to talk again. 

"Sweetie, he doesn't want to see anybody else." Yes, I did recognize that I sound like Freddie fucking Mercury, but it seems quite fitting in this situation. 

"Are you joking?" His face tells me, he is not completely convinced.

"Ben.", I started dramatically, clearing my throat. "He asked if you were okay with it. He surely didn't know how to begin such a sensitive topic, so he chose this way – not the best, to be honest, but at least he tried." My smile had grown bigger, the blonde in front of me simply formed his mouth to a toneless 'Oooooh'.

"Let me guess: you yelled at him, you didn't let him talk or explain, you ran away, maybe slammed a door and now we are here – you sitting at my couch instead of being with your boyfriend." 

My best friend has quite a hot temper, he for sure fits very well for his role of Roger Taylor, they have both hot blood.

Ben nodded and placed his hands over his face. 

"Oh dear, I screwed up." - "Damn it, Ben, you know Gwil as well as I do, so shut up, move your ass out of here and go find him."

Again, he gave me the look of a sad puppy – I couldn't do anything but lough at this sight. I moved my hand from his knee onto his shoulder and gave him a push off from my couch. "MOVE, for god's sake."

so how long will the relationship between ben and gwil last? Who knows? ^-^
Sorry for the plot-less chapters, I am trying to keep it exciting, but I am glad about any feedback from you

See ya guys <3

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