- Eight . Time for two -

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A couple of weeks went by since Ben stood in front of my door.

My hand was all fine again, it's nothing more than a little white scar. Rami used to joke about that scars are making people more attractive.

Things seemed to be going well between Ben and Gwil by the way. I got used to being the third wheel when all five of us are hanging out together. But most of the time it is alright, some nights are as usual, everybody having fun together, laughing and talking about everything.

I didn't even try to pick a girl up in one of the bars we were. I simply didn't feel like it, I was fine, my friends are everything I needed right now.

In the last few days, only Ben and I went out for a drink. Gwil was meeting some friends, since his home is not far away from London and he was very busy until now, so he decided to go home for a few nights, only coming on set for work.

And Rami and Lucy? God knows.

So was tonight – Ben and I went to the little pub which became kind of our second home at set. I liked it there, it was cosy, not too crowded and the music was good, old rock and pop songs were heard, but not too loud – so you could talk without screaming at each other.

Ben guided me to a table, our table. The waitress recognized us, she smiled and waved at us before she went behind the bar, because she knew what we wanted. 

Soon after we sat down, two bottles of beer stood in front of us. I mumbled a "Thank you." and turned around to Ben. 

"Cheers.", he said, lifting his drink and smiled at me. 

We started to talk about the shooting today, we had a lot of fun together. We did most of the concert-scenes today, went over and over the same songs. But it was fun, I loved making music with the guys, especially in such scenes it feels like we really are a band. 

And then there were Brian and Roger, cheering for us. Brian even got out his phone, filming US, like HE was the fan. It felt great, this film is the biggest thing in my life.

"You are going to look good as Rogerina!" In a few days we are going to shoot the I want to break free Video, we all had to dress in drag, but Ben was not completely convinced, that he would be hot in this outfit. 

"Did you see the Video? You know Roger, you know how handsome he was in this skirt, even I have to admit that, straight as I am. And you are going to rock this outfit." 

Ben laughed and shook his head. "I will never look as good as Roger did." - "We'll see that." I raised my eyebrows and smirked.

"You on the other hand are going to look gorgeous in th-" 

Bens phone which was placed at the table started to ring, a picture Gwils face popped up. The blonde took it, turned the sound off and put it in his pocket before he faced me again, still smiling. I just looked at him, confused, didn't know what to say.

He started to talk again, as if nothing happened. "Like I wanted to say before: You are going to look gorgeous when you are dressed as grumpy grandma. I loved Johns Outfit."

I sat there in silence, still staring at him, still trying to understand what happened one minute ago. "Are you and Gwil okay?", I finally spoke again. "Sure."

That was not enough for me though, but he stayed silent. I rolled my eyes. 

"You didn't answer his call, because...?" 

I started to scratch off the label of the bottle in my hands, while I scanned Bens face, but he seemed totally fine. Finally, he decided to end my sentence. "Because, my dear Joe, we were in the middle of a conversation, I can call him back later. I am having fun right now, don't ruin that for me."

I noticed the sarcasm in his voice. That answer was not enough for me as well, but I changed the topic again, I was sure he would tell me if anything was odd.
Hope you guys liked it
I watched Bohemian Rhapsody again today, I love this movie so much haha, sorry for all the movie references, I love some scenes so much, I have to put them in here

See ya

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