- Thirty . Hospital -

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An hour later I found myself in the hospital waiting area.

We drove here with my own car, which I barely used in the last few months, but it stood in the garage of the hotel all the time. Joe was brave and didn't complain much, but I knew he was in pain, although he didn't make a sound.

I still was very worried about him. 

We didn't talk much all the way here, he just kept muttering about how sorry he was and I kept saying to him, that there was nothing he had to be sorry about.

And now there I was, wandering around between all the family members and friends, everybody waiting for somebody they care for, somebody they love. And so was I, I couldn't sit still, I was really concerned about Joe. I just hoped that his shoulder wasn't bad injured, not only because of the shooting days he would miss.

After half an hour or so, which felt like half an eternity, I saw Joe coming towards me. I just sat down but as soon as I met his gaze, I jumped up again and hurried towards him. "Joe! Are you alright?"

He smiled a little and patted my shoulder with his fine hand. His right was bandaged though, so he would hold it still until it healed. "I'm good, Ben, thank you so much. It wasn't as bad as I thought, I have to keep this on for a week, but it'll be good soon, it doesn't hurt that bad anymore."

He nodded at his bandaged arm before he pulled me into a hug. I was surprised at first but soon I gently wrapped my arms around him. "What was that for?", I asked after we parted again.

"For everything. I'm so sorry, really, I-" - "Stop it already, would you!" I raised one hand to put a finger in front of his mouth, to finally shut him up. "Sorry.", he mumbled against my finger with a little smile and pushed my hand away.

"Will I get an ice cream now?" - "I don't know - have you been brave and didn't cry when the doctor fixed your shoulder?"

Joe bit his lip and his eyes wandered to the ground. "Just a teeny tiny little bit."

He simply looked adorable. "Okay, you'll get ice cream anyway, because you really are a professional with these puppy dog eyes." First he smiled a little, before he formed a frown and widened his eyes, to look even sadder.

"Stop it, will you?"

I dramatically turned away from him and now faced the wall. I started laughing and Joe joined soon after, before we both headed to the parking lot, to drive back to our hotel.

As soon as we got into the car, Joe started to talk again.

"Okay, I'll talk now, and I know you'll try to stop me, but please let me finish before you shut me up again." I felt his eyes on me, so I simply nodded and started to drive. "Okay... So I just wanted to say sorry again, I really-" - "Joe!" - "I said NO INTERRUPTING, Benjamin! I meant it, so shut your pretty mouth."

Pretty mouth? Joe thought I had a pretty mouth? I looked over to him, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to it, so I shrugged it off and concentrated on the road again. He didn't mean it that way, for sure.

"Anyway... As I wanted to say, I'm really thankful for everything you've done for me in the last 24 hours. I can't say with words how embarrassed I am and how bad I feel for stealing your sleep last night or for me being... naked... waaaaay too long..."

He sure didn't have to apologize for that tho. He blushed, I could tell, even though he tried to hide his face. He paused, but I still didn't talk, I didn't know if I was allowed to do so.

"I- I just wanted to say thank you again, Ben, you're a really good friend, you know that? I'm really glad that I stumbled in your room yesterday. And not just because it would be much more embarrassing if I would have ended up in the room of a complete stranger. So thank you, really, I know I've already said that but I really mean it. You are so understanding and you kept your eyes closed, which I am very glad about. I didn't want you to see me naked in a situation like that."

In a situation like that?! So he wanted me to see him naked in an other situation?!

What was with him today? He kept saying such confusing things. Maybe I gave them too much thought. "Ben? You can talk again." My friend snapped me out of my mind and I flinched.

"Uhm... Sorry, I was concentrated." I lied, well I didn't lie exactly, but it wasn't really the truth either. "What were you saying?" - "I asked if I could use your phone, I have to call the producers to tell them what happened and I left mine in your room."

I raised one eyebrow and gave him a quick look, handing him my phone. "So... You want to tell them that you slipped in my shower, because you were completely wasted yesterday and became dizzy because you had a big hangover, I had to get you out of there totally naked and now you can't work for a week because you dislocated your shoulder?"

He took the phone and searched through my contacts, but stopped while I was talking and squinted his eyes. "Well... Or I'll just tell them that I slipped in my bathroom, because I am really clumsy, was completely dressed all the time and you only drove me to the hospital."

He aped my emphasis of the words and stuck his tongue out in my direction, before he dialed a number and raised the phone to his ear.
Sorry, very boring chapter this time, it's going to be more exciting soon :)

Have a great day yall ♥️

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