- Twelve . Best friends -

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The second I stood in front of Bens trailer I wasn't sure anymore what I wanted to say to him. I lifted my hand to knock, but I didn't knock, I felt kind of insecure, kind of nervous and I wasn't quite sure why.

I knocked before I could think more about it. "Who is it?" He didn't sound happy. "It's me, Ben, please let me in." I was worried about him, most of the time he is the happy guy, bringing fun and joy to our little group, but when he was upset, it was really bad. 

The door swung open, I took a step back, because I was afraid either the door or Ben would hit me in the face. He stood there, still in his pants from before, but he got rid of the wig in the meantime... and his vest. He didn't wear a shirt either.

"What do you want?" At least he didn't seem angry, so I got closer again. "Talk.", I said and pushed him backwards into the trailer, following him right behind and closing the door.

"I really don't want to talk right now..."

"I don't care, then it's just me talking, works for me."

I sat down on a chair and turned to face him again. "You are upset." Ben sighed and sat down opposite to me at the small table, placing his arms on the table, resting his head in his hands. 

"Am I overreacting here? I didn't have any alone time with my boyfriend in days, he's always busy, spending every single evening out with friends or his parents and... I don't know..." He didn't need to end this sentence, I knew what was bothering him. "And he didn't take you with him to meet them?"

He lifted his head up and looked at me. "How did you..." - "I know you, Benjamin. And I would feel the same way, so no, to answer your question. You are not overreacting."

A little smile appeared on his face. "If I am not allowed to call you Joseph, you cannot call me Benjamin, that would be just fair." - "Fine.", I mumbled and smiled back. "Are you going to be alright?" 

I got up and sat down again, this time next to him. He didn't have answered my question yet, he was just starring at his hands. I put my arm around his back and pulled him a little closer. He sat back and rested his head on my shoulder. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna be alright."

We sat like that for a while, Ben still without a shirt on. I slowly drew little circles with my thumb on his back, trying to comfort him, because I really didn't know what to do or what to say to help him out of this situation. 

I kind of liked this moment though, I enjoyed the physical contact, since I didn't have a girlfriend right now, my friends are all I have.

"Your wig is tickling."

I smiled and got up. "I should get changed, I am meeting Rami later." The blonde's expression looked kind of disappointed for one second, but I forgot that thought, that was probably just my imagination talking – he's still upset because of Gwil.

"You can call me anytime, you know that – really, you have to do that. I am here for you, anytime."

Ben got up as well and now stood in front of me again. "I know, Joe. Thank you so much for everything. I am really glad, that I have you around."

With that, he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. "Ben, you should really put a shirt on. You can't walk around like that, it distracts people." - "Oooh, that's the reason you are looking at me all the time."

"Oh shut up, Benjamin." He hit my back with one hand, not strong though. "Ey, we had a deal, mate!" - "Yeah, but when you say something stupid, your nickname sounds way too nice."

We separated, Ben laughed and I was just happy, that he seemed to be okay again. 

"Call me.", I said, before I opened the door and headed out. 

"Yeah, maybe.", he yelled after me, standing in the door with his bare torso. I rolled my eyes and looked back to him. "Fuck off, Hardy." 

"See you tomorrow, Mazzello."
Sorry for not uploading yesterday - I am so busy right now with university and studying and all that stuff, it's so exhausting...
Thanks so much for 200 reads, that's crazy, it makes me very happy that so many people read that story :)

Have a great day <3

Crazy little thing called love - HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now