- Thirty-one . Crush -

233 14 7

Joes PoV

"Alright, Joe, get well soon. Let's do some rehearsals in the next days and a few shots without you. We'll make this work, don't worry - just be there so we can go through some scenes without filming, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, thank you very much though. So I'll come in tomorrow?" I switched the phone to my other ear, looking at Ben who was totally concentrated on the street. "No, take one or two days off to rest, that's fine. We really want you to get better soon. We'll se each other on Wednesday, fine?"

I smiled a little and was relieved they took it so well. It was my fault after all, they could have been angry. "Thanks a lot. See you."

I hung up and handed the phone back to Ben, who took it and stuffed it back into his pocket, without looking at me. He seemed totally in his own world right now, lost in his thoughts. While I observed him, he didn't even notice it.

"Ben, are you okay?"

He twitched as I spoke and looked at me briefly. "Uhm, yeah, sure, everything's fine." My eyebrows went upwards and I crossed my arms. Well... I tried to, but one arm was bandaged against my chest, so I crossed one arm.

"You can't trick me, Hardy. What's wrong?" His grip was getting stronger around the steering wheel but he didn't answer. I saw his jaw clenching but as I tried to meet his gaze I failed, he sure didn't want to look at me right now.

Now I got worried. Have I done anything wrong?

I mean... next to the past 24 hours, I didn't wanna think about that anymore. I had to call Allen as soon as I got my phone back.

Which was still in Bens room... Means I have to go back there... And have no good excuse to go to my own room again, to avoid these strange situation and finally move on with my plan fucking not to give my crush on him the chance to grow.

But it grew. It grew bigger all the fucking time.

And I flirted with him. That was really not the best way to deal with that. I mean, what's with me right now? 'I didn't want you to see me naked in a situation like that.' What was I thinking saying something like that?

"Are you mad at me?", I asked, this time not looking at him, because I didn't really wanna hear that he was. "No, Joe, don't be silly - why would I be mad at you? I'm just tired, that's all, don't worry."

The rest of the car ride was quiet, until we reached the hotel again.

"I still have my stuff at your place, is it okay if I come over to get it?" - "Yes, sure, no problem, you can stay if you want, I can take care of you."

Ben smiled and my stomach flipped. I couldn't say no to this face, how could anybody say no to this face?

Soon after we were in his room, he opened the door, led me inside. He barely left my side, always ready to steady me if I stumbled. I sat down on his bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. "I'll go and grab a pizza at the place around the corner, okay? You really need to eat something, since you haven't eaten yet."

He grabbed his keycard again and went to the door. "Anything you need?" I shook my head and smiled at him. "Thank you so much for taking such good care of me."

"You're welcome, Joey."

And with that he closed the door behind him. I sighed and put my phone away. I rested my head in my hand and closed my eyes for a second. What was I doing here? How is this going to end?

Oh damn, I should use the time alone. I immediately searched for Allens contact and called him. He picked up after a few beeps. "Hi Joe, are you feeling better?"

I couldn't help to let out a laugh. "Well... No... There was an incident, but that's not the reason why I'm calling and I don't have much time, so I'll tell you about that next time. Listen... I am still in Bens room, he's out to grab some pizza."

"That's not really what we've talked about yesterday." - "I know!", I hissed back and rolled my eyes. "What am I supposed to do now?"

I fell back on the bad, now facing the ceiling. "I don't know, Joe." - "That's not what I wanted to hear! He's so great, Allen, really, he took so good care of me, he was nice and gentle and loving and oh my god, this is making me crazy."

"How are you feeling around him? Do you feel normal or are you constantly crushing?" I sighed and closed my eyes. "I am crushing all the time, Allen! I can't handle his presence! It kills me being around him! I don't know if this is ever going to be better."

My voice got louder and louder.

"That has to stop, really, it can't go on like that, I will destroy everything. He deserved better. Tell me what I can do!"

"Uhm... You probably won't like it, but you could tell him. You two could figure it out together, so both of you can tell what way it would be best."

He was right, I didn't like that. "Are you mad?" I squeaked and opened my eyes again. "I can't tell Ben!"

"Tell me what?"

Oh fuck.

It's getting interesting

Have a great day

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