- Twenty-four . Wasted -

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I drank a few more beers.

I probably shouldn't have done that, but I did it anyway. Like I said, it was one of these days where I really wanted to drink.

"I gotta go, Joe. Should I call you a cab? You are quite wasted, mate, I think you shouldn't go home alone." Allen got up and took his jacket, looking at me in concern, but I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

The last thing I needed was a babysitter. "I am fiiiiiine.", I slurred and wagged my hand.

But Allen didn't respond, he just put some money on the table and helped me to get up. He dragged me out of the pub and pushed me into a car, he got in soon after and named the cabby the address of our hotel. 

The drive felt like an eternity, I felt dizzy and I just wanted to sleep. We didn't talk much in the car, but I felt Allens eyes resting on me here and there. He was worried, I could feel that. But I was fine, really, everything would be alright, maybe not now or tomorrow, but one day it's going to be alright.

"Joe, we gotta get out, come on." The Irish man pulled me out of the car and paid the driver, before we headed to the lobby and directly into the elevator.

Allens room was on the first floor, so he had to leave me in the elevator. I had to push him out, because he wanted to bring me to my room. I was totally able to get into my room by myself, I wasn't a child for god's sake, it's not that hard.

I pressed the button and as soon as the doors opened, I got out and wavered to the room. When I stood in front of the door, the only mission I had was finding my key in my pockets. While I did that, I kind of lost my balance and fell towards the door and one second later I found myself sitting on the ground, my back resting against my door.

Alright, I still had to find my key, but it was so tiring. 

The second I wanted to try getting up again, the door behind me swung open. That obviously wasn't my room... but whose room was it?


Okay, that was kind of a weird situation. I was lying on the ground, looking upwards, a person bended over me, his face the expression of worry. It was Ben.

"Hiiiii...", I slurred and tried to smile. "What the bloody hell are you doing here in the middle of the night? Are you drunk?" His hair was messy, he just wore a Shirt and Boxers, he clearly was already sleeping until I woke him up.

Ben was still looking at me in concern. "Uhm... nooo?" That answer wasn't very smooth to be honest, and it was a straight lie, everybody could tell that. "Alright, Joe, come on." Ben rolled his eyes, but I could see him smile, he wasn't angry with me. Thank god that he wasn't angry with me.

He crouched down next to me and helped me to get up again. I was probably like a heavy bag of potatoes, my movements were lazy and even though I tried to get up, it was mostly because of Ben that I finally stood next to him.

He wrapped one arm around me and pushed me into his room, closing the door behind him. When we stood next to his bed, he let me go and I fell straight down on it, lying on my stomach, my face buried in one of the pillows.

"Come on, Joe, you have to take your shoes off, you can't sleep like that on MY bed.", Ben said and slapped my leg. "Noooo... sleeeeep!" My voice was only a mumble into the sheets, but Ben seemed to understand me anyway.

He sighed and started to undress me. "Turn around and give me your hands, you can't sleep in your jacket." I did as he said, but not very elegant, I felt quite clumsy.

Ben took my hands and pulled, so that I sat on the bed. He helped me to get rid of my jacket and as soon as that was done, I fell back again while the blonde untied my shoes and threw them in one corner of the room.

When he was done, I tried to take off my pants, because they seemed really uncomfortable. I guess I acted quite unhandy, because Ben slapped my hands away. "For god's sake, Joe.", he mumbled and unbuttoned my trousers and put them to my shoes and my jacket.

I grinned and made myself comfortable on the bed. "I guess I'll sleep on the couch then?"

Bens words seemed annoyed, but I could hear that he smiled. "Noooo, Bennii... sleep with me." I patted on the bed next to me and soon after that I felt a weight on the mattress. Ben laid down and I moved closer, cuddling up against him. If I were sober I would knew that this was the exact opposite from that what I talked about with Allen just a few hours before, but my drunken head didn't mind. Cuddling felt way too good. And I haven't had such physical contact in like forever, I simply missed this feeling being close to somebody.

I heard a muffled laugh from the person next to me. "O god Joe, you are so shitfaced."

Merry christmas to everybody ♥️ have some great days, I wish you and your loved ones the best
Thank you all for reading my book, and if you like and read that, I would really appreciate a comment on what I could do better or what you liked most

Have a great christmas day
~ Kat

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