- Twenty-six . Flirt -

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"I did not!"

"Yes you did." - "No!", I persisted and crossed my arms. "You don't even remember that you slept at my place, so you certainly don't remember that you insisted on me sleeping in the bed as well. You were so drunk, you slurred every word."

Ben laughed and handed me a glass of water. I still lay in the bed and thanked Ben, taking the pain pills he brought me before to get rid of my headache. I swallowed them with a sip and sank back into the pillow, the blond lying down next to me again, still looking at me with a very amused expression on his face. Next to me on the nightstand were some granola bars but I didn't feel ready to eat yet.

"I did not..." My voice was much quieter and more mumbled than before, but I still tried to deny everything Ben said.

"If it would not have been you, who woke me up in the middle of the night, I would have kicked you out in a second. But you looked so confused there on the ground. It was adorable."

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "What was I doing on the ground?" - "That's a really good question tho. I really don't know, sweetheart, I opened the door and you were on the ground, looking at me like a sad puppy."

I buried my face in my hands and sank deeper into the sheets, to cover my face which was getting redder and redder. I felt so embarrassed. What was I thinking? Oh right, I didn't think at all – I really thought this was my room, I tried to open it with my fucking key.

Ben on the other hand had the time of his life, mocking around with me and remembering me of all the stupid things I've done yesterday.

A thought came to my mind and I slowly started to panic. Did I say something about my crush? I mean, my sober mind would never talk about that with Ben, but I couldn't say the same about my drunk mind. I peered over to Ben, trying to read his expression, but it was everything like usual, he looked at me with the same expression he always did.

The butterflies in my stomach came back and I quickly turned my face in the other direction and faced the ceiling again.

"I am so, so, so sorry Ben, I really am. I didn't want to wake you up and neither I wanted to be a little drunk baby you had to take care of." I really meant what I said, I felt so guilty to keep him awake and I regretted drinking so much.

Ben laughed and I felt his look on my body, me cheeks began to blush again. "Joe, I said it once and I will say it again: You don't have to apologize. It was pretty funny and now I have something to remind you every single day, and every time I do so, your face turns red and that is quite cute, so I am really glad you fell into my room yesterday."

Silence again, I didn't know what to say, I felt the heat in my face and I tried to get my heartbeat under control. I didn't trust my voice right now, so I just decided to say nothing, although I was still wondering if I blabbered something about my feelings out.

"Did I... say something weird?"

My voice was quiet, nearly a whisper. Wow, Joe, that wasn't very subtle.

Ben squinted his eyes and sat up a little bit. "What do you mean?" - "Ah, nothing important, I just wanna know if I said something stupid."

The blonde was still curious what I meant, but he shook his head. "Not that I could remember, you were really clingy though. You really wanted to cuddle last night." – "You are not the one to judge here, you had your arm around me in the morning!"

Now my friend was the one to blush and look away, he cleared his throat. "You were awake..."

"I didn't say, that I didn't like it.", I said and smiled a little, before I got up and went to the bathroom, winking at him when I closed the door.


That was not, what I planned, this was not acting like nothing had changed, this was not what I should do to keep our friendship the way it was.

Instead I bloody flirted.
Hope you all had a good start into the new year and the new decade ♥️
I'm always happy about any feedback about my story, I always try to improve and get better

Much love,

Crazy little thing called love - HardzelloWhere stories live. Discover now