The Stranger

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I was waiting for my mom and dad to come and pick me up from a party early because me and my boyfriend Matt had a row and I broke up with him. It was dark the fog started to roll in, there was a black crow. I turned around where I saw this stranger. He said "what's your name? Do I know you?"

"I'm Elena Gilbert and no I've never seen you before." I try not to look at him to much but he's so captivating that I can't help but look into his eyes. 

"I'm Damon Salvatore." He says with a hint of a smirk. 

"My parents are good friends with Zack." He must be like Zack's nephew or something because he's no older than like nineteen - twenty. 

"So it seems. It was nice talking to you Elena, have a good life. I want you to get everything you want out of it, go after your dream job, marry your ideal guy, I want you to be happy, I know I'm a stranger but I want you to be happy and I want all that for you Elena". I smile at him, my mind was going crazy a perfect stranger telling me he wanted me to get everything I want. "I can't have anyone knowing I'm in town yet so forget seeing me here tonight Elena" Okay what just happened I feel like some one was just standing there. 

Oh my parents are here. I slowly walked to the car, fearing that my mom was going to yell at me but all she said was "Gracent lets go get Elena home". So my dad just drives and the next thing I know is the car is going off old wikery  bridge. Underwater my dad says "I love you Elena" he said the same to my mom then I said "love you too" then every thing went dark.

Stefan's POV
I hear the sound of a car plunging into the water so I race to old wickery bridge as fast as I can and there's a car sinking. I dive into the water and I swim down to the car and the driver is still conscious so I go to pull him out but he points to the backseat. I look in the window and the girl in the back is Elena Gilbert. Her resemblance to Katherine is even more striking this close. But its definitely not her and not that I know she's not her for sure it's odd. I pull open the back door of the car and I pull her out. I swim back to the surface and I lay her down. I can hear her breathing. It's faint but she's breathing. I rush back into the water. Back to the car and I look at her parents but I can see it's too late. They are dead. I couldn't save them. I'm sorry. I swim back to the surface and Elena is coughing the water out of her lungs. She's going to be fine. I dial 911 and I stay with her until I hear them arriving then I hide out of sight and I watch as the check her over and then take her away.

I get back to the house and I go up to my room and Zack is waiting for me. "What happened?" He asks.

"A car went off the bridge. With three people inside. I only managed to save one." I say.

"Who was it?" He asks with so much concern, thats one thing Zack and I have in common, we both care about other people. 

"The Gilbert's. I was able to save Elena but when I went back for her parents it was too late. I wasn't quick enough. I'm sorry. I know they were friends of yours."

"I can't believe this." He says and I can tell he's upset. "They were such good people, but I'm glad Elena is okay."

"I didn't even know she was in the car but her Dad pointed to the back seat and there she was passed out. He made me save her first."

"You did the right thing. She's a kid."

"One without parents. I wish I quicker. I wish I could've saved them." I say pulling out the chair from my desk and sitting down.

"You did everything you could uncle Stefan. You can't blame yourself."

"I know."

"Are you still leaving in the morning?"

"I am not sure. I know now that she is not Katherine but I can't help myself from being drawn to her." I say and I can't help thinking about her perfect olive skin, her dark brown hair and her eyes which are just as dark.

"She's human. You should keep your distance."

"I know that. But there's something about her. Something I can't shake."

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to meet her. Not right now of course. She needs time to learn what's happened and to come to terms with it."

"So when?"

"The fall. All I want is the chance to meet her. I'm going back to school. So I need you to pretend to be my guardian."

"Do you really think that's such a good idea. I mean the founders haven't forgotten about the vampires."

"I don't feed on people. Not anymore. You know that I wouldn't hurt anyone."

"What about your brother? He could come back if your here." He says looking worried.

"My brother will be as far away from this place as possible. He left over a hundred years ago and he hasn't been back. I highly doubt he'll come back now." Damon has never liked this town and he sure as hell does not like me so he'll stay gone. 

"Let's hope so. We all know the kind of trouble that he brings."

"Don't worry Zack. Nobody will get hurt at the hands of my brother."

"Let's just hope he stays gone."

"He will, Damon won't come back to Mystic Falls. He hates this town."

"All the more reason to kill the people in it."

Damon's POV
I'm back. I never thought I'd step another foot in Mystic Falls again but Elena she's a dead ringer for Katherine. She could be fun. At least for a while. Then there's Stefan. My little brother who I promised to give an eternity of misery to. And I always keep my promises. What would he do if I made Elena my personal little blood bag? I've watched him watch her. It's a little stalkerish if you ask me. But Elena is really something.

This town might not be so dull and dead after all.

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