Chapter 33

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Clarke's POV

„Im home." I unlocked the door and closed it behind me.
„Hi honey." My mom greeted me when she looked up from the papers on the kitchen table. Probably some hospital work.
„Did you have fun?" She asked and looked back at the papers and wrote something down.
„Yeah it was great." I smiled and leaned against the kitchen counter and sent Lexa a text.

Clarke: hey I arrived home safely 💗

She didn't respond but I didn't make a big deal out of it. Maybe she's still driving.
„I was wondering." My mom spoke again.
„About?" I raised my eyebrow.
„Would you like to invite Lexa for dinner? She seems like a nice person and I wanna get to know her better." She smiled.
„Yes, of course." I answered without hesitation.

Clarke: btw my mom wants you to come for dinner is tomorrow okay?

Still nothing.
„I'll call her."
I dialed Lexa's number but I got no response. Something is wrong.
„She's not picking up." I said with worry in my eyes.
„Im sure she'll call you back soon-" She got cut off by her ringtone.

„Hello. It's Abby Griffin." She said and listened carefully.
„Yes. Yes Im on my way." She rushed and ended the call. After that she looked at me with sadness and worry.
„Mom. What is it?" I was concern.
„It's Lexa."


„Mom what happened?" I asked my mom in her car through crying.
„She got hit by a truck this evening." She answered really carefully.
My heart stopped like before when my mom said her name after she ended the call.
It was like the world stopped turning and broke into a million pieces.
We drove past the beach we spent the evening at. An hour ago we were enjoying each other here and now the girl I love is laying in the hospital fighting for her life. I tried to swallow lump in my throat but I couldn't.

We arrived to the hospital. I opened the door and jumped out before my mom could even park the car. I approached the woman behind the table as fast as I could.
„Lexa Woods. Where is she?" I rushed her when she looked at me with concern.
„We need to see Lexa." My mom cut her off.
She gave my mother the number of the room where Lexa is gonna be.
I ran through the halls of the hospital until I didn't find where Lexa was.

„Clarke." I didn't understand anything. All the voices were blury. My mom placed her hand on my shoulder when I wanted to burst through the door just to see Lexa.
„Clarke!" She raised her voice and turned me around.
I looked at her with my puffy red eyes full of tears.
„They're gonna operate her now. She has internal bleeding and serious injuries. Jackson's there and Im going to go there now. You should go home Clarke. I'll call you when it's done."
„No. Im staying." I managed to say with shaky voice.
„Okay. Wait here. Do you understand?" She was holding my shoulders and looking at me with stern but concern look.
I gave her small nod a recieved a kiss on forehead from her.
„I'll do the best I can. I promise." Her reassuring smile didn't help but I trusted her.

She walked away with fast pace and I sat down, thinking about everything. Thinking about Lexa. If she's gonna be okay. And what if not? What if she doesn't make it? What if she doesn't remeber me after? What if-

Too many ifs. I had to focus on the positive things but there were none at the moment.
I wanted to call Octavia and Raven and all of them to come here, to let them know what happened. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything.

„Clarke?" I heard familiar voice. It was Anya and Aden.
„Where's Lexa?" She ran to me and asked.
„They're operating her." I managed to let out some words.
She broke down in tears. Aden was standing there frozen with tears in his eyes.
I can't imagine how hard this must be for them, especially for Aden.
He went through the death of his parents and now he doesn't even know if Lexa's gonna make it.
„Im so sorry." I whsipered between sobs.

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