Chapter 34

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Clarke's POV

„Lexa..." I whispered. My throat was sore, I couldn't scream.
I looked around the room but my mom and Jackson were nowhere to be found. I could hear that beeping sound again.

It was just a nightmare.

I looked at Lexa as I sighed in relieve. She was still laying there without any movements, my hand still holding hers.
I gave her kiss on forehead as small tears left my eyes.
„Thank you." I said quietly as a thanks for not giving up on me.

„Clarke. Here you are." I heard Bellamy's voice so I turned around and saw him standing there.
„I was looking for you." He smiled and took a few steps forward.
„I was told I can see her so I had to go." I whispered.
„Are you okay? Have you been crying?" Im 100 percent sure he noticed my red puffy eyes that stayed like this since we got here.
„Im fine." I wiped the tears away and gave him a small smile which disappeared immediately.
„If you need to talk I've got plenty of time." He kneeled down before me to get on my level.
„I...I had a nightmare. A nightmare where I lost Lexa. Forever." My voice cracked at the last word.

I couldn't imagine being without her. She is the love of my life. She's my everything.

„That's not happening. She's fine. Right here." His eyes fell on Lexa behind us.
„I know." I turned around and gently squeezed her hand.
„Have you eaten yet?" Bellamy said quietly and placed his hand on mine.
I slowly shaked my head.
„Let's get you something." He stood up and extended his hand for me to hold.
I looked at him with worry in my eyes. Worried to leave Lexa alone.
„She'll be fine Clarke." Reassuring smile appeared on his face as I took his hand.


„How did you sleep?"
„Not well but it'll do." I rubbed my tired eyes.
„I know you probably won't listen and will refuse at all costs but you should really go home and get some sleep." He said after he swallowed the bite of his sandwich.
„I can't leave her." I scoffed.
„Clarke you need rest. Like a real rest."
„What about Madi? Maybe she'll make you feel better." He said.
I totally forgot about her. She was home alone probably for the whole night.
„You're right." I sighed. As much as I didnmt want to leave Lexa I knew I had to.
„Come on. I'll drive you." He said and smiled.

I didn't even touched the sandwich he bought me. I took it with me and ate it in the car.

When we arrived I opened the door and surprisingly heard familiar voices from livingroom.
„Clarke!" Madi jumped from the couch and ran towards me to hug me.
„Hey." I lifted her up and hugged her back.

Raven turned her head to face me with smile.
„Hey Griffin." She chuckled.
„Where have you been for so long?" Madi asked me when I put her down.
„I had to go to the hospital with mom."
„Why? What happened? Are you okay?" Madi asked examining my face.
„Lexa had an accident. But she'll be fine." Bellamy said instead so I didn't have to.
„Im sorry." She said.
„It's okay." I managed to smile.

„Anyways what were you guys doing?" I changed the subject.
„Raven and I were about to watch a movie."
„What kind of movie?" I asked and walked towards the couch in the livingroom where I laid down and rubbed my forehead.
„Frozen. It's my favorite." Madi jumped beside me.
„What are you doing here anyway Raven?" Bellamy asked as he sat in the armchair.
„Abby asked me to look after Madi since Clarke refused to come home." Raven said in annoyed tone and rolled her eyes.
„Im just joking. I love being with Madi, right girl?" Raven looked at Madi and smiled as she gave her a highfive.
„Yeah." Madi exclaimed and smiled.
„Are you hungry?" Raven asked me before Madi played the movie.
„No. I already ate with Bell." I smiled over at him.
„Good. I'll make some popcorn anyways. Also we can invite O and Linc." She said on the half way to the kitchen.
„Not a bad idea." Bellamy raised his eyebrows and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

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