Chapter 39

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~1 week later~

Lexa's POV

The day has come. Finally. Today is the day they'll send me home. Clarke is picking me up with Bellamy and we're gonna go to her house. Just a few more hours and the love of my life will take me home.

„Excited?" Abby asked me while she was cleaning stuff I didn't need anymore from my room.
„Yeah. Really." I chuckled.
„Im gonna miss you here. Your positive energy and stupid jokes." Abby smirked.
„Im gonna miss you too but I'd rather get out of here and live finally."
„I get it. If you feel any strong pain or you just don't feel good you have to tell me." She warned me with strict look.
„I know I will." I assured her.


I changed my clothes and waited for Clarke and Bellamy to show up. I had baggy gray trackies and oversized blue hoodie. I put my hair in a bun which was really messy.
„They should be here any minute." Jackson told me as he was making the bed for me.
„Where can I wait for them?" I asked.
„On chairs outside the room or you can just stay here." He pointed at the entrance and smiled.

I walked out and sat on one of the chairs while I looked at my phone. I wanted to call Anya to let her know everything's fine and Im going home.

„Hi honey. How are you feeling?"
„Im good. My ribs still hurts but it's getting better."
„Im glad to hear that. I hope you'll feel better soon."
„Do you want me to pick you up?"
„No, no, no. That's fine. Clarke and Bell are coming here. They'll take me to Clarke's house."
„Okay. Be careful, okay? Don't lift up heavy things and don't-"
„Anya. I know."
„Okay. Im just worried about you."
„I know you are but you don't have to."
„I know."
„I gotta go now. I'll call you later."
„Have fun."
„Thank you. Bye."
„Bye. Love you."
„Love you too." I smiled and ended the call.

I saw someone standing in front of me. I looked up and saw those beautiful eyes.

„Hey there." Clarke smiled and kneeled down to look at me.
„Hi." I whispered with soft small smile while she cupped my cheeks with her cold hands.
„Your hands are cold." I covered her hands with mine which were still on my cheeks.
„Let me warm them for you." I grabbed them and moved them closer to my mouth. I let out hot breaths as I hid her hands between mine.
„Hey Lexa." Bellamy approached us with few papers in his hand.
„Hey." I looked up at him and Clarke did as well.
„Are you ready?" She asked me.
I nodded and smiled as I stood up and intertwined my fingers with hers. She looked down at our hands and kissed my cheek.


„Do you need help?" Bellamy placed his hand on my back while I tried to get in the car but I groaned in pain.
„Im fine."
„Here. Let me help." Clarke walked around the car to me.
With one hand she held my waist and my hand with the other.
I slowly got in and let out a deep breath.
„Thank you." I smiled as she kissed my cheek and closed the door.
I tried to put my seatbelt on and at least something was a success for me today.

„Are you good back there?" Bellamy looked at me in the small mirror.
„All good." I gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
Clarke turned around from the passanger seat and grinned at me.
„Let's go home!" Clarke yelled full of happiness.
„Alright!" Bellamy joined her.
I started to think that Im not as excited as I wanted and expected to be. But the truth is I was excited. Really excited to be finally home. But I couldn't scream or laugh through the pain in my chest so I rather stayed quiet but with a big smile on my face while Clarke was singing at the top of her lungs to old Taylor Swift songs she used to listen to when she was around 13 years old.
She told me that she was a big fan back then and even tho she says she's over that I would be lying if I said she's not a fan anymore.

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