Chapter 2: Welcome to CGHS!

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm switching POVs here. This part is narrated by a young girl named Olivia Beckons, an 18-year old girl studying in CGHS high school, Toronto. *

Hello! My name is Olivia Beckons; 18 years old, an IB student from CGHS

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Hello! My name is Olivia Beckons; 18 years old, an IB student from CGHS. IB, as in International Bachelorette, which is for 'smart' kids as one would say. To be completely honest, the IB program ain't that hard, it just requires a lot of work. In other words, this stream ain't for procrastinators. However, a few years ago, when I was in junior high, I migrated to Toronto from Muscat with my parents, and I have grown up a lot since then, and I am proud of what I have accomplished so far. Anyways, that all was nothing compared to what's going to happen next.

Our English teacher, Asher Palaan, announced some incredible news which got the IB student's butts moving to prepare themselves for the upcoming quiz which is going to be conducted tomorrow. Usually, these things don't bother me because I score good, but man! This time I'm super nervous!


One day in English class, Mr. Palaan announced, "Students! Listen up! I have some interesting news for you! There will be a special test just for the IB students, and the top ten will get to go on an all-paid expense trip to Japan with me as your chaperon for the most unexpected surprise you guys will get to see!"



I have worked my ass off for this, and the portion for the quiz is huge! As Mr. Palaan was distributing the question papers, my hands were trembling. A few hours later, all students submitted their answer sheets as the bell rang for the end of the day. My friend, Ryla turned back and asked me in apprehension, "Hey Olivia! How was the test? Did you find it easy as usual?" I answered, "Yeah, I mean... the test was a bit long, but I'm sure I did okay." Another girl named Euadine, heard me and replied, "Well, if Olivia says she did okay, she must have killed it!" I humbly responded, "I wouldn't say that!" Ethan whirled around and banged his hands on my desk and screamed in sarcasm, "Oh! I beg to differ!" His best friend Axel approached the group formed around my table and said confidently, "Come on, guys. I know this test meant a huge deal to all of us, and I'm sure that all of us did our best. Now all we have to do is calmly accept the results." Emily joined in the conversation and scoffed, "Easy for you to say, Axel! You, Olivia, Maya, Neil and Mark always come in the top five in class! So you better keep quiet!" June jumped in and added, "I think Mr. Palaan shouldn't have put the whole 'trip to Japan' thing on us. I mean, he could have told us after the results, right?" Everyone just started jibber-jabbering around my table when suddenly, I received a text from my parents that they are waiting outside the school to pick me up. I exited the room after bidding goodbye to my friends and quietly headed home, anxiously waiting for the results.


I was the first one to arrive at English class to find out that the door was locked. I noticed that a list was posted on the door. It was the results! As I was shocked to find out the students who were eligible to go for the trip:

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