Part 6: The Case Of Sekaiichi Erotica

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Chapter 9: Landing Of Demands And Sorrows

*This happened before Takano's birthday*

*Narrated In Yukina's POV*

  After a long day of working at my part-time job at the Marimo bookstore, I was picking up the cartons filled with books to the storeroom to finish up for the day

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  After a long day of working at my part-time job at the Marimo bookstore, I was picking up the cartons filled with books to the storeroom to finish up for the day. Those were the Matou-sensei's book that was going to be released in a week. Since the author was a high ranking one, we asked for 300,000 copies for the first run. However, carrying these cartons was an arduous job. As I headed towards the storeroom and slid the door open, I was shocked to discover what I saw in front of me. One guy yelling from the ground and a girl screaming from the first rack that was at least 3 feet from the ground!

I asked as my eyes widened at the scene and dropped the carton on the ground, "Who are you guys? And what on earth are you doing here?"

The guy yelled, "Open your eyes, fancypants! Can't you see that this coward cannot jump from a freaking rack?"

The girl shouted, "Well if you're getting so annoyed by me, why don't you go on already?"

The guy responded angrily, "Use your brains for once! We are in an anime world where we have don't know anybody! I have worked hard to come here, Emily! I know it's rude to say this, considering that I don't even know you; GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

When I saw that Emily didn't even listen to a word, the guy was practically screaming out, I figured that there was no need for this drama. All I had to do was press the button that was a part of a control system that was located near the entrance of the storeroom, the rack on which Emily was trapped would descend, and she would be able to get down easily. Without uttering a single word, I headed towards the control system and pressed the button, and the rack started to descend with its usual creaking sound.

"Well, so much drama for that." The guy sighed. He had terrific features though; he is very much capable of finding a girlfriend, or to describe him even better, the guy is even more capable of being a typical playboy. His silky black hair was tied in a ponytail, dreamy eyes that any girl would fall for, and a purple scarf stylishly covering his neck. For a guy, his fashion sense was impeccable.

"At least this sales guy had the decency to help me out!" The girl screamed. Okay, I know it's too early to judge on a first sight basis, but I think that this girl might end up with this guy. I mean, it's a classic love story. A beautiful girl with long brown hair with a unique aura oozing out of her, who looks unbelievably hot when she's angry, hates a guy like that in the beginning but ends up together at the end. And I don't know why I feel like I have got the chance to play as their matchmaker. WOW! This is so exciting! I have never done anything like this before. I guess after I become friends with both of them, then it will be easy to set them up! I love couples like this! I believe I can give this a shot.

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