Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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Chapter 20: A Point That We All Waited For


"I am in love with you, Olivia."

This line. It is lingering there. I never thought that a blanket of awkward silence that was already present in that atmosphere could grow even more and clutch us even tighter. Thus, making no way for us to even penetrate to escape. That blanker was our bond. Our relationship, which I kept portraying to the world as my crush that I am serious about. But when I come down to it, I never really gave this subject solemn consideration. 

I want to say I love him. I mean why not? He takes care of me, sees me as an independent and capable individual, he is emotional, determined to prove others wrong, and is incredibly good-looking. 

"So what's your answer?" Ritsu asked me, thus snapping me out of my thoughts. He looked quite serious about it, and I know that he knows how much this confession has startled me. 

"Everything you say or do makes sense, Ritsu. You're the PERFECT man that any girl would want to date. The type of guy who that I would almost never find in the real world." I spoke. I did say something alright. But I didn't address the answer to his question. I mean, no guy has ever confessed to me. To top things off, Ritsu is seven years older than me and is a working adult whereas I am just a high school student who is going to graduate soon. But as you probably heard Neil say; a good relationship needs more. We are going to part ways eventually. I will be in my world and you will remain in yours, so there's no way we can pursue this at all." I answered. 

That's the best I could have done in this situation. I didn't hurt his feelings and I turned him down gently by bringing reality into the picture. 

"I'm well aware of that. But I am talking about how you feel right now. This moment. About me. If you were to stay with me or I was to move with you, would you go out with me?" Ritsu questioned me again! Damn it! I didn't think that he would press me this hard! But why do I want to turn him down? I like him a lot. But then why am I doing this?

"Okay, just because Takano keeps going to Osaka for some reason, that doesn't mean your love for each other is gone. So relax, you don't need me as his substitute." Not once did I feel that I am saying things I don't mean. I never do that. Not with Ritsu. Not with Neil. Not with my friends. Not with Meera. And not with him...........................................................................................

"Why are you dodging the question!? Do you love me or no!? It's a simple yes or no question, Olivia! I WILL FOLLOW YOU LIKE A TRAIL REGARDLESS OF--" Ritsu started to scream as he lost his patience. 

The moment he said that he was going to follow me; I lost it. A sense of fire burning in my heart. The passion that I once thought was dead is coming back alive. Yes, Ritsu is an ideal guy for a girl. Yes, I do think that. And if he comes with me to the real world, I don't see any problem with that. And he is willing to make that sacrifice. But........... But...........................

"I DON'T LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT YASH!" I yelled unconsciously. I never expected that I would say something like this! Damn it! This is no good! No matter where I go, no matter who I get involved with, I realize every single goddamn time that I am still obstinately in love with him. It is not retrievable and it's completely hopeless. I locked my heart away from him, trying so hard to forget about him, but everything I see reminds me of our moments together. Then it becomes like I am spiraling through the clouds of nostalgia.

"*Sigh* Finally Olivia! Finally! Man! Teenagers are more stubborn than I thought."Ritsu sighed with relief! Relief!? That guy is relieved!? Wait! How!? Why?!

As I came to the realization that the only person that I have loved in my life so far is Yash, my knees began to fumble and quiver. I fell on the bare dusty ground and burst into tears. At that moment, I felt stupid for wasting my time drowning in my ego of not accepting my feelings for him. I was so afraid. I didn't him to know. I didn't want anyone to know! But now that Ritsu knows, he's going to tell Yash and then he will just rub it in my face! And I will never ever get to be with him! I sobbed and screaming so loud in frustration that the birds sitting on the terrace railings flew away.

"Go tell him! Just go! You won, Ritsu! Lemme say it so that your GAY ears will hear it! I AM IN LOVE WITH YASH! NO ONE HAS NEVER MADE MY HEART RACE LIKE THIS! BUT THIS IS GONNA GO AWAY! I WILL MAKE IT GO AWAY! I WILL PROVE YOU WRONG, ONODERA!" I shouted at him with tears coming out of my eyes and my cheeks burning hot. I grabbed his collar and started beating him and wiggling him back and forth to remove my anger on him for pranking me this way.

"Olivia, please pull yourself together! And for the life of me, will you please STOP HITTING ME!?" Ritsu yelled as he grabbed my hands that were punching him and raised them up into the air with all the force that he could use against me. My eyes widened as I discovered that this sleek man in front of me was surprisingly strong. He started scolding me, "THIS WILL NOT GO AWAY! I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT HOW LOVE WORKS IN YOUR WORLD BUT AS LONG AS I AM HERE, I WILL MAKE SURE THAT THIS WILL NOT GO AWAY! EMBRACE IT, YOU KID! IF YOU RUN AWAY FROM THIS, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND DRAG YOY BACK! YOU PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL GO AFTER YOUR LOVE, AM I CLEAR!?!?!?" 

Ritsu might be a classic example of a tsundere person, but I never saw him this mad. His eyes pierced through mine as she said that. He's right. I will run away. Because I don't want to get hurt. Nor I want to hurt anyone. But the moment he said that he will drag me back, it made me wonder what does this man want from me? Why is he going through such lengths for me? Is it just because of this bond that we have formed for these past months? I do feel that he and I connect on a deep level. That's the best part of our friendship that I don't want to lose. 

I nodded my head as Ritsu let go of my arms. We both stood there in silence as June and Ryla, came running up the stairs and up to the roof. They were huffing as it seemed that they were sprinting for a long time. 

I looked over to see Ryla in tears. She spoke in trailed off sentences, "I knew it, Olivia....... I somehow knew it........ my heart kept telling me........ why the hell were we apart for so long!?" She came running and pulled me into a firm embrace. Yeah, so firm that she was about to suck the life out of me. My eyes widened as I couldn't breathe. She soon let go of me and I started to breathe heavily. 

"What is the matter? And Ryla, what happened? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Need me to punch someone for you?" I started asking a barrage of questions as I wiped her tears off and was perplexed about what was going on. 

June then said the words that I never thought I would ever hear in my life, "Olivia, you and Ryla are actually twins. Whereas I, on the other hand, am your half-sister.............." 

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