Part 6: The Case Of Sekaiichi Erotica

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Chapter 16: Part-Time Jobs


It's like Yukina and I are on babysitting duties. Yukina helps Emily get over her depression by hiring her as a salesgirl at Marimo Books whereas David somehow convinced me and Takano to hire him as my assistant for a a few months. And the weird part is, none of them are babies! In fact both of them are 18, which is quite close to Yukina's age.

Anyways, since it is David's first day here, Takano-San instructed him to go over all the storyboards written by authors from the last five years and tell why and how was each correction added! I mean, the editor-in-chief has given poor little David an enormously tall order! But not once did David complain, he quietly sat down and did his work. Actually, that's Takano's way of testing and challenging talented people. He even did the same thing to Rittie when he first joined Marukawa. Rittie actually did tall orders like this and impressed the entire staff with his dedication and work ethic. Especially when the guy didn't want to become a manga editor initially.

"There all done!" David sighed after finishing that entire workload in just three hours!

"What the hell!? It took me five days to get that done! And I didn't even take a break!" Ritsu screamed in astonishment.

"Well, I guess there are people who work faster than you. Maybe I should fire you and hire this little guy instead." Takano said with a crooked smile which only made Rittie slam the table and head for the restroom. Takano then took a look at David's notes and observations which he typed on a computer. He was going through it. Intently. Zooming his face on the white screen that displayed words in the arial font.

"I never thought that I would say this, Kisa. But your assistant is better than you!" Takano exclaimed as he finished his detailed scanning of the document. "Well, David, you can sort these surveys and then the rest is free time. It's your first day so I wouldn't want you to exert yourself."

David nodded and then went over to sort out surveys. To be honest, I'm actually impressed! I thought he said that he wanted to see me during work and check out 'my brilliance' but its become the total opposite now. I feel like I'm sitting here and seeing how amazing he is as an editor. It's like the guy has been doing this ever since he was in his mother's womb. As I saw him, earnestly doing his work, it kinda reminded me of Riichan and how gung-ho he is about work and impressing Takano-san. I mean, he wants to impress his lover and I get that. Yes, I know that Riichan and Takano-san are kind of a thing because they make it sooooo obvious.

Anyways, back to David. As I was doing my work and editing my author's work, I kinda noticed that David was staring at me the entire time. Not a dead stare or anything like that. But it was like the one we do when we are analyzing stuff in our head and forming an opinion about someone in front of us by looking into their inner soul. For some strange reason, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. If Yukina would have looked at me that way, I would have blushed to death and would have ran away from there. But I didn't feel like running away. In fact, I wanted to stay right there. He is staring at me. I am glancing at him occassionally. And whenever we did make eye contact, I would always smile at him. Not the creepy one. The genuine one. The real one.....................................................................................................................................................................



As you all know, I am on Emily duty. Kisa has it easy for him because he doesn't have to phrase things gently for David; he can just blurt out whatever he wants. What happened between me and Emily last night, it kinda got me thinking that right now, she is as fragile as a baby. And I know that the last thing she would want to hear is about my relationship with Kisa. So, I kinda avoid talking about him in front of her. Anyways, I brought her to the book store and got permission from my boss for Emily to work here part-time.

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