Part 7: The Case Of Sekaiichi Domestica

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Chapter 31: The Truth Has Its Way Of Coming Out


Chiaki came to the breakfast table and groaned loudly as he slammed his phone on the table.

"Are you okay?" Ryla asked with a gleam of concern in her eyes.

"Ugh! My mom wants the four of us to go to her house for lunch today." He said as he dropped his head on the table, acting as if this was a very devastating news.

"Dude, we can't take Euadine there. The girl hasn't taken a shower and has drowned in cheetos and anime ever since Mr. Palaan went to prison. I'm too afriad to even go to her room. We can't take her." Ryla pointed out.

Chiaki rebutted, "But she specifically said four people! And I don't know why is she being so stuck-up on this."

"I actually want to go for lunch. At least I will get a day of respite from cooking for you freeloaders." I said as I served breakfast to the two people on the table and threw a bag of cheetos in Euadine's room from afar.

"Well, Phellie is still out of town, so I suppose I can invite Olivia, if you guys don't mind." Ryla suggested as she drank water from her glass.

However, I could see why he wasn't very excited to go. The last time we went there, things became really awkward. I have no idea what is going to happen this time...


Chiaki, Ryla, Olivia and I were standing at the doorstep as Chiaki rang the bell. His younger sister, Chinatsu answered the door with a smile but her expression faltered as her gaze landed on the twins.

"Which one of you is Ryla?" She questioned with her eyebrows raised and her arms folded.

"That would be me." Ryla answered with a polite smile. Chinatsu sized her up and down several times and then stared into her eyes as if she was searching for something hidden in her soul. It was creeping us out, to be honest. After a few seconds, she nodded and gestured for us to come in. Ryla and Chiaki shared a perplexed look while I was trying to keep my face straight.

"Welcome everyone!" Mrs. Yoshino greeted us with a wide grin spread across her face. "Chiaki? Won't you introduce us to these two beautiful ladies?"

I could see that Chiaki was feeling awkward because he was a little hesitant for some reason. However, he composed himself and said with a smile, "Well, these are the twins, Olivia and Ryla."

"Twins? You two don't look identical." Mrs. Yoshino responded with her eyebrows raised.

"We're fraternal." Olivia replied.

"I see. Why don't you guys have a seat?" She said leading everyone to the dining table where the food was already pre-portioned and served for everyone.

As everyone took a seat, Chiaki asked, "What's with the sudden invitation, mom? And why did you ask for four people only?" It was something I was wondering myself. I know his family for a long time now, and yet I have no clue what they think and how their thought process works. The Yoshinos never fail to surprise me.

Mrs. Yoshino took a deep breath and said, "I invited the four of you here to discuss about Chiaki's marriage." Ryla and Olivia suddenly dropped the spoons they were eating with and they looked up and made eye contact with the mother. "Chiaki, as I have previously stated several times that you must look for a life partner. And you said that you will marry Hatori, which I know you were joking and we shared a good laugh on that. But I want you to take your marriage more seriously or else I will die before seeing my grandkids. I have met Ryla a couple of times at the supermarket and you also talk a lot about her. Frankly, if I feel that there is a girl who is perfect for you, it is her..."

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