Part 2: The Case Of Sekaiichi Trifecta

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter takes place before Mark's death. It has two parts which will be uploaded in the same chapter. Part one is focusing on Yokozawa and Kirishima. Part two focuses on Akira and Anand. Happy reading!

Chapter 23 (Part 1): The Local News


As the birds chirped outside on the railings of the balcony on a bright sunny morning, I followed my usual routine at Kirishima's apartment. I made myself a cup of coffee and grabbed the newspaper from the doorstep and plopped myself on the couch enjoying my hot beverage to wake me up for the day.

I was shocked to see the first page of the paper itself! I was at a loss of words. My mind went blank. The headline. The paragraphs. The words. There was more written. However, my eyes were still lingering on the heading.

"Kirishima! Akira! Anand! Come here at once!" I yelled as my eyes perceived the words and pictures printed on the newspaper.

The three of them came rushing from the bathroom, bedroom, and balcony respectively, and lined up behind the couch to take a peek. The room was filled with silence. No one had anything to say. The balcony was left open. Suddenly, a gushing wind came out of nowhere and entered the room with a jolt. I whirled around to see the three of them speechless.

For these kids, it might probably mean nothing. They don't even live here. But this is going to impact everyone. I thank the almighty god that the Marimo bookstore wasn't blown up and that it's safe and sound. Or else that would have been a huge pain in the ass.

As that particular thought flew in my mind, the landline rang. Kirishima walked over and answered the line to hear someone screaming from the other end of the phone. He silently left the apartment to deal with the call.

My eyes trailed on him as he slammed the door of the apartment. I decided to leave him alone and not to go and check up on him since I heard phrases like "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!?", "THIS IS NEWS TO ME TOO!", and "I AM NOT HIS BODYGUARD!" Although I was wondering what the 'bodyguard' stuff was about.

"I can't remember his name but isn't this man Takano's special someone?" Anand asked Akira while pointing at the newspaper. Suddenly a cold shiver ran down my spine. My gaze slowly landed on the photos of the three people who were critically injured. I was horrified to the core after seeing a certain someone's face!

 I was horrified to the core after seeing a certain someone's face!

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"ONODERA?!" I screamed at the top of my voice. No! No! No! How is this possible!? What the hell happened there!? I have to know! Wait.... does Takano know about this? If he did he would totally beat the hell out of whoever did this to him!

"Anand! You dummy! Forget Onodera! Even Ryla and Mark are injured! We gotta call the chaperones!" Akira shouted and was clearly going through a panic attack at the mere sight of this news.

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